We have a saying in the deep south - Bugger!
We did a bunch of research on this and couldn't find anything much useful.
i did find this though.
Which led us to our fatal choice.
So it looks like there is one last sad story to write.
On another weird note - this is the second time I have posted this comment.
It saved ok the first time and I could see it in the thread, but when I went back to check it was gone! So I'll try again.
I found that in my research too. Different plant, but still called "gooseberry."
BUGGER it is.
Great job though guys and way to add to the contest!
No worries. I knew this was a 'kill' round ;-)
I'll try to get my last story up today (still at work just now).
It's been a lot of fun doing this, and a big congrats to the winners.
We'll have to regroup and get ready to 'die another day' in season three. :-)