Anyone with shotgun or rifle and flashlight wants to team up with me?
I have pistol and water purifications tablets.
And I know which plant to eat!
The only one that I can see is @walkingkeys - shotgun - flashlight .
So, @walkingkeys, do you want to team up with me?
@vcelier - I can join you if you still want :) I also think I know which plant to eat. I have rifle and 3 OZ Silver right now.
Please try to contact me on (vcelier). If it does not work, let's find some other channel.OK, lets team up @imperfect-one.
Sorry, @walkingkeys.
It is not working now. Do you use facebook or messanger from facebook maybe?
Or whatsapp maybe? It will be perfect :)
Yes, I am already on WhatsApp. VM Celier.
I'm trying to find you but I'm not sure if I know how to do it ;/ Is it even possible?
I need to leave home now and I won't be able to connect here for some time. Please try to add me on WhatsApp by phone numbe
I'm looking to join up I have a pistol and a firestarter
Would you like to team up? I am unarmed and have water purification tablets... Oh and I'm not dead. ;)
I have 2 choices now lol sorry but going to have to choose the one with a gun. Plz don't hold it against me 😀
Hahah no problem, man.
Joined up sorry I'm taken 😀
I have a pistol and a firestarter. Anyone want to team up, I'm probably going to go with option 2. This is my first time playing so help is always a good thing.
I have already teamed up with @imperfect-one.
My bad. Posted in the wrong spot.
lol, damn! I just saw this. It's cool. I hope you survive!!!
I hope you survive too.
To survive, you must react quickly! ;-)
How do you see notifications on STeemit? I just saw it in the thread?
Sorry, I don't know.
If you sign up for Steemit Chat and SteemData mentions, you can see notifications from mentions in the chat.
awesome! thank you!