
Does it hide my info from them, or is it just so I can't see them?

I assume the mute button will eventually hide the account's posts and comments from you so that you don't have to see them. But as you already figured out through testing, it isn't actually functioning yet.

Regarding hiding your info from them, it is technically impossible to hide your public information from a stalker. All the posts and comments are on the public blockchain. So no matter what the GUI does, a stalker could get access to that information very easily. I think providing users with a false sense of privacy is far more dangerous than not providing any (illusions of) privacy at all. So I don't think should make it appear like they can hide a user's posts/comments from some other user that wants to see them.

That means it is very important for each user to keep this in mind before posting any information in a public forum. Don't post any information in public if the benefits of posting do not justify the risks of that information being used by bad people to hurt you.

lol i just read it again and deleted my comment.

that's the second time i've encountered mansplaining. rant over.

I misread and thought you were requesting for a mute button. I was trying to help and showed you that steem has one. This is a huge misunderstanding.

I just muted you just for a test you're still showing up, so I think I answered my own question. I guess the blocking feature will probably arise when some victim gets assaulted here. There should be a way to prepare for this inevitability though. I immediately unmuted you after the test. No worries.

I was wondering the same thing. Can we block people on here? I already have some asshole bothering me.

you can use the mute button.

But the person could still your post and comment..
And other people see they're comments...
VERY VERY Annoying