lol you've met our president, better said ex-president Mujica. Great guy, so humble and smart old guy, also the one that propose the weed legalization, so he is awesome lol, nice post man.
lol you've met our president, better said ex-president Mujica. Great guy, so humble and smart old guy, also the one that propose the weed legalization, so he is awesome lol, nice post man.
Has the legalisation helped bring violent drug crimes down in your country?
Totally, at least in terms of weed, seems like there’s no one selling illegal weed due to the high standards of the cannabis clubs and also the cheap prices at the farm shops that also sells.
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Good that the government isn't taxing weed
sales heavily like in America which makes the black market resurface.
That’s lame, but the government always want to take excessive profits of this kinda “good things” for now there are no big issues and as I said it was a really good move against narcos, even they are still distributing some other shit instead.
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