Just like anything in life with great rewards, you must put in the time and effort. Keep with it, keep on doing you, stay positive and success will find you.
Hey I just saw this and don't like to hear that people are sad from this platform.
I just joined steemit, follow and I follow back and upvote
If you or and anyone else is interested in changing themselves and the world,
please join the FOOD REVOLUTION!
check my intro out....
@aashik... people up-voting your posts is only one way to earn. Just keep posting about something that means a lot to you and you will find a following. But also read posts from others that interest you and try to add something to the conversation. We like to engage with people that are interested in what we're doing - not bullshit but real interest. To show you what I mean I'll upvote this comment but next time you'll have to earn it ! Ha!
Just like anything in life with great rewards, you must put in the time and effort. Keep with it, keep on doing you, stay positive and success will find you.
Hey I just saw this and don't like to hear that people are sad from this platform.
I just joined steemit, follow and I follow back and upvote
If you or and anyone else is interested in changing themselves and the world,
please join the FOOD REVOLUTION!
check my intro out....
And article, Mc D’s vegan burgers
hope you like :) ✌ 🐮 http://steem.link/bLD24 http://steem.link/7sUm7
Nice of you!
Me too...
don;t rush
I feel you @aashik. I also feel the same. Maybe we need to put more effort to reach our goals =)
@aashik... people up-voting your posts is only one way to earn. Just keep posting about something that means a lot to you and you will find a following. But also read posts from others that interest you and try to add something to the conversation. We like to engage with people that are interested in what we're doing - not bullshit but real interest. To show you what I mean I'll upvote this comment but next time you'll have to earn it ! Ha!