Certainly :)
In June (2019), you authored 93 top level posts comprising of 449471 characters. You also entered 1021 comments onto the Steem blockchain totaling 203325 characters of text.
You used 21 different categories for your content and steem was the most popular, chosen 34 times.
The post titled Welcome to the internet arsehole earned the most comments with 86 replies.
The post shared with the community the most was fomo-or-mofo which was resteemed 10 times.
In June, you cast 1462 votes, 2 of these were downvotes, and 0 were cast to self.
Your average vote weight (to the nearest whole number) in June is 24%.
Dear @tarazkp
You spoke to organduo the most, leaving 77 comments and organduo spoke to you the most with 109 comments.
You upvoted organduo the most - 93 times, and chose to issue 1 downvotes to prasasth.
You earned 202350.592999 VESTS via Curation, which is approximately 101.727309 Steem Power.
And as an author, you earned 702.803000 SBD, 0.000000 STEEM, and 3533269.230000 VESTS (approximately 1776.273373 Steem Power) in June.
Finally, abh12345 upvoted you 114 times in June 2019!
Thank you very much. Has been a busy month again obviously! Can't wait until I can drop this work gig and put some time into Steem.