Funny, as I was reading this post I had the following pop up on Gina:
That's a solid Reputation right there! :D
As in other comments elsewhere, i'm not overly concerned, even taking into consideration comments here by tcpolymath. The % loss is bigger for smaller accounts, who may indeed be committed on working their way up. I think this is worth the hit to cut some of the BS out :)
I think that the actually committed will hardly feel it if at all. I am not sure about my numbers above but, i think they are close enough. The committed are going to engage, I know, I spend a lot of time upvoting them n my comments section :)
Yes, this is extremely trivial to the vast majority of users. I'm not sure what BS it cuts out, though. Votes under 50m rshares already don't count (you'll even get an error if you try to cast one) so the only new things are taking them away from everyone else and smuggling a little superlinearity into the curve, and taking away the error message so we're not telling people their vote didn't work anymore, just letting it fail invisibly. Neither of those seem like benefits to me.