Steem Power Growth - Chart Hack

in #steem6 years ago

I've been asked on numerous occasions to produce a chart showing Steem Power growth over time. It would be nice to see, and I'm aware that there is a chart at that gives recent growth, but it seems to go back a few months in time - I've not clicked the 'load more data' button' to find out how far as yet.

Is there anywhere you can see a chart of your SP history?

That being said, this is NOT accurate and should only be seen as a guide.After receiving confirmation from SteemSQL boss @arcange that the data isn't held in my favourite access point, I thought I'd have a go a putting something together anyway. This is another Post that almost hit the trash, but with a bit of glue and a lot of fudge, I have something reasonabily OK to present.

  1. Add the power-downs together, stick a 'minus' in front and group by date
  2. Add the transfers_to_vesting together and group by date
  3. Add the rewards in VESTs together and group by date

The SQL bods among you will instantly notice where the fudge is, relating to (3) above:

select sum(sp), cast(month(timestamp) as varchar(20)) + '/' + cast(year(timestamp)as varchar(20)) from (
    select cast(left(deposited, len(deposited)-6) as float)*-1 as sp, timestamp from VOFillVestingWithdraws where from_account = 'abh12345' union all
    select amount as sp, timestamp from txtransfers where [from] = 'abh12345' and type = 'transfer_to_vesting' union all
    select reward_vests*515/1000000 as sp, timestamp from TxClaimRewardBalances where account = 'abh12345'
) x group by cast(month(timestamp) as varchar(20)) + '/' + cast(year(timestamp)as varchar(20))
order by cast(month(timestamp) as varchar(20)) + '/' + cast(year(timestamp)as varchar(20)) asc

Yep, I just made up the number for the STEEM per MVESTS. Today we are at around 498.5 STEEM per MVESTS, I suspect this number started almost 3 years ago at 450/460. I'm thinking that if I could find a history of STEEM per MVESTS, it would be possible to produce a more accurate chart....

Does anyone know if this STEEM/MVEST history is available anywhere?

My Chart


Despite the inaccuracies, I can still see a couple of points of interest. August/September 2017 - full time to Steem and a nice move on the chart. September 2018/Now - Slow gains due to power-downs, and ending with a decline in February (so far).

I'm not as excited as I thought I would be to have this chart, probably because I know it's not accurate, and I can see visually that the last few months have been slow (when really they should be showing faster growth).

Alright, who wants a wonky chart? You get what you pay for I guess :P



I thought you could use VOFillVestingWithdraws to create a time-series of STEEM / MVEST ratio. When I actually tried it, I found some really crazy data, but it might still be worth a look if you scrub outliers from the data set.

I do love some crazy data :D

Yeah I think the link from dalz below is pointing that way. I'm not a BC coder though and would need a price history table somewhere to get hold of these values. However:

This data was derived from analyzing every fill_vesting_withdraw operation on the Steem blockchain and determining the rate at which each user was able to power down that day. It's not a perfect value obviously and there are variations for many different reasons. src

Seems it's not spot on, but could still be the best place to look.

Just as an fyi i have clicked for what seemed like an eternity and you can go back to the start of your account on steempeak. I have climbed that everest and I am a survivor.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm interested to see it

A seemingly slow start, were you powering down as you went or did it just take some time to gain traction?

Looking a it better recently though :)

I signed up and mainly lurked at the start. Wasn't really sure of my place here.

I have been looking in the STEEM/VESTS ratio recently and found this:

It is by @jesta ... but there is data only for 2016 and 2017 :)

There is a querie on the bottom of the post so maybe it can help. Although it is noticed in the post that this method is not a 100% accurate as well.
It seems that this is a hard number to find :)

Thanks @dalz!

Well at least we know that this number is a tricky one :)

Sadly that's code I'm not au fait with but perhaps someone can give me a an up to date list of the file presented. It would be nice to be able to scrape this list from somewhere too :)


@abh12345, Interesting chart. May be it's not perfect but in my opinion for your efforts to come up with this work is appreciable brother. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you @chireerocks, you are forever positive and credit to you for this :)

Welcome brother. And thank you so much for your kind and blessful response.

I wrote a post about a year ago

that might help in estimating the STEEM/MVEST history.

Nice work last year, and a good prediction too:

I have bookmarked. It's a similar method to the ones mentioned by dalz and joseph I think.

Estimations are OK, is there really no accurate way to plot SP from day 1?

Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category:Congratulations @abh12345!

  • Comments - Ranked 4 with 116 comments

Interesting stuff you bring up @abh12345!

I'm willing to take my chances here, although I expect mine to be a wonky zig-zaggy thing, due to a couple of major power-downs. Hopefully I'll be done with that, at last....

Thank you :)

Yes, not in trend with the others I've pulled up so far. I'm actually quite sad to see this, and hope that you can build back up again following needs-musts. It's also a stark reminder that I need to find some fiat income soon, or else the 'wilting flower' look my chart has could follow yours.

Ah well, hopefully better times ahead.

It's also a stark reminder that I need to find some fiat income soon, or else the 'wilting flower' look my chart has could follow yours.

Holy crap!'Redbull Special' beverage to grow to both of you a good pair of strong wings asap. };) @denmarkguy. ¡Wadda Chart! Uhm yeah, now I feel the duty to give to you and to Asher some generous gulps of my

Well that has woken me up!

If you listen very carefully, there is a rhythm, somewhere, I think!

Rhythm!! yeah, I think so mate! As long as you can also dance while reading simultaneously, you are done.

¿I already woke you up 'completely' now? :)

Yeah, I was afraid it would look like that. But thanks for running the numbers... the "obvious" culprit was simply large incoming expenses against a shrinking NON-crypto income from our businesses. The secondary culprit, however, was not having the time to rebuild as fast because I went from typically 2-3 posts per day and 40-odd comments to... two posts a week and rarely any time to comment.

The social part makes a huge difference, seriously. This would look a lot different if I still had the time/effort availability to generate a few $20-50 posts.

I fully intend to build this back up, though.

@denmarkguy you have the nub of it

not having the time to .... 2-3 posts per day and 40-odd comments to... two posts a week and rarely any time to comment.

The social part makes a huge difference, seriously.

My emphasis. I have spent the entire morning here and need to get on with thing. LOL

Yes please hit me up :) I think it should be relatively steady growth, I did a couple small powerdowns in there at various times for various reasons but have been relatively steady in posting for the most part.

It seems that your best gains were made when other charts were going pretty steady. The Powerdowns are barely noticeable also.

There are some comments above that could help make things a little more accurate. I'll wait for someone else to have a go now :)

that one big jump around dec/jan18 was actually an accident, I accidentally powered up my entire steem balance instead of the portion I intended to (I had just received a large bonus from Curie for one of my recommended curators performing exceptionally well over first 6 weeks). While I was earning a decent amount of Steem from Curie I was doing a mix of powering up and taking some off platform to invest in other coins (plus ~25% I donated through contest sponsorships and what not). For the most part there was an inverse relationship between earnings from Curie and earnings from my posting; the more time I spent at curie, the less time I spent at posting. So that helped keep my chart steady I think, no matter how I was spending my time on steem

EDIT - and now that I am spending my time more at @c-squared, that time doesn't actually result in any earnings for me so I have flattened off a bit lately with less posting

I noticed a big issue at the end of your chart!

That would be the 'wilting flower' look :(


I see a decrease. 2 more years and you are Steem bankrupt 😜

I have been powering down for food n stuff.

However, interview next Tuesday so maybe that chart will brighten up again :D

Hi Asher, one wonky chart please.

Another fairly steady out of the blocks but some rather tasty gains in the last quarter of 2018. Cheers to that!

Thanks Asher. Looks right to me and not wonky at all.Tried to keep it steady, but musings cocked that line up lol.

do iiiiiiiittt :D

Did you power some down in the beginning?
Two periods of fast SP growth either side of a steady 2018?

Can you walk us through this one? I should ask that of my customers eh :)

Damn it... lost my first comment. anyway...

Yes, I powered down at the beginning so I could start trading. I can't remember how much but it was between 500 and 1000 Steem I think. I traded pretty successfully for a while. The end of 2017 I got some support and then the over-inflated SBD price allowed me to power up (sorry inflation rate!!)

2018 looks pretty steady which is a testament to my view, price doesn't matter for earning Steem and then oct/nov I sold EOS (not a great price but good enough comparatively) for Steem and powered it up.

I have been pushing just as hard no matter the price as I am here to earn Steem, not fiat. One day I might sell some to use but hopefully there will be a growing set of use cases that mean I don't have to ever convert it. If the price is right, I'd happily live off curation :D

That is something to be proud of. During the rise in price of steem you did good as far as growth / earning goes. That is a direct result of consistency.

lol @ inflation rate :)

With some fiat coming in, the focus on just earning STEEM is easier, but I think the best plan of attack.

Living off curation (or delegations), that is the Steem dream :)

Looks like getting caught playing the market in the beginning.
Some good growth over time

Yep, it was where I learned that 7 cent steem was an opportunity I wasted. I had no idea what I was doing but I was able to trade relatively well up at the time. These days I don't currently have the time to watch the markets.

Expensive lesson, but then again a good lesson to learn.
Time is a commodity that can only be used once and it effects us all. When you look back and you did the best you can with the resources you had its a good day.

Ok lets see mine
It should show a steady growth per month
Slow growth then picking up as the price of steem drops

Dramatic rise in November, did you buy some? :)

November and December were the biggest purchases due to the price of steem
I have purchased every month except oct and dec the chart does reflect that. Some months not as much but you sure can see the difference in steem price

Good to know the chart is somewhat on the right track :)

I think we'll see more leaps in SP from accounts over the next few months, especially if the price stabilizes and then wider positive sentiment returns.

It would be a nice thing to see if steem is spread over a wider field of people. It would make us stronger. A nice steady growth in price would be the best option we could have.
I am looking forward to see what the future is going to bring

New chart :) One for me please

This analysis would not be approved :)

1000 in 3 months? can't recall it was that fast

Posted using Partiko Android

This is what the wonky chart is there for, to help you recall :D

Me, me! Thanks!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Did you start a buying campaign in July last year?

Seems like it wont be long until you go scooting past me!

Interestingly no, I started in February but prices were much higher and as they decreased I continued to deploy a similar amount ever month to gain traction. However, in July I did start the effort to post every day! As I have seen, it makes a large difference!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Well I'm even happier to hear that consistent posting has been the main reason for the nice rise, cheers!

I’m curious about mine too.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Sept-May 2017, looks like tough times!

Nice rise in Oct-Nov last year, did you buy some or go on a crazy posting spree? :D

Wasn’t very active by May 2017 I think.

I think I bought some with BCH before the BCH drama, dunno tho Steem and BCH, which one dropped more ever since haha.

Looking at meesterbooms chart up to that time, I'm not sure it would have been that beneficial to be active. Maybe good for building your network for the summer of 2017, things kicked off big time then!

Haha, I suspect that chart with so cute curves reflect how much of an actually wanderer she is. LoL

Me wants, Ash. Do your magic!

Did you buy some in September? A nice move from there - hopefully the upward trend an continue!

Got lucky over a lot of posts back then. I guess.

No surprises in my chart I think. But while you're at it, showtime please? :)

Looks like some early buying in August 2017, and then a wait before buying again in the 2nd half of last year?

@smasssh for Orca if the price goes to .2? :D

Am ready to make the next move, man. Thanks for the chart.

No worries :)

Finger on the trigger! Sadly I don't think the general crypto market is in the clear yet, good luck for if/when you do decide!

Can I have a wonky chart please?


Well, someone has been loading up on 'cheap' STEEM over the past few months - good luck to you and all!

I would like to see mine please

Posted using Partiko Android

Not much data to go off but it seems you invested in some SP in November?

Good luck, let's hope we are in the right place :)

Nah. They were mostly from my gains using

Thanks for the chart

Posted using Partiko Android

Ah right. Musing looked like a good earner, a shame for you they lost their delegation :(

Well I have dtube now. One door closes another opens

Posted using Partiko Android

I neeeeeed it!! I've always been keen to see mine, even if wonky!

It's a popular request, partly fulfilled here with some inaccurate calculations of VESTS, but you get the general idea!

< April 2017, the dark ages of STEEM? And then, she's alive!

Hehe, ah yes. My shit humble beginnings and then boom!

I like it and it's pretty accurate from what I can remember

Boom indeed!

I'm grouping into months and so it's masking the day-to-day inaccuracy quite well.

A step up from drawing a line from 0 SP sign-up date to current SP now :)

Oh man I had some bad had days at the start. I am amazed I kept going. Months is good!

So there is hope for all of us yet. Was that new users appearing on the scene or others realising you are fairly humorous after all.

I think it was mighty fish noticing a young popinjay!

This is so interesting!!!
Can I have my Steem Power history, Asher?

Yes :)

Did you power up for Christmas? A nice move there!

Yes, that was myself present 🎁: a strong Power Up of 500 SP.
Thank you mich, Asher!!!😊👍

I would like to see mine as well 👍🏻

Posted using Partiko iOS

Sure :)

It looks like your first investment came at a good time, prior to the boom period at the end of 2017?

Fairly steady growth since then, approaching dolphin status :D

Yep...I’m pretty proud of this growth...hoping to reach dolphin status naturally within 4 months hopefully...but perhaps before if I buy some now 😂😂

Posted using Partiko iOS

Ok in for fudge but staying a pie lover too hit me up with the results

OK then!

Some good action towards the end of last year and lift off in January!

Hoping you have some more months like the last one :)

That’s a good increase from August on. Did you do some powering up taking advantage of the low price

Yes and planning to do that again.

🙂👍 nice
I powered up some also
And I hope I can do it some more Wednesday

Going to take advantage of the low price again, greatful for the insight

Hey @sbh12345! Do you mind showing me my graph? As always I appreciate the great resources you provide (like this one) in your posts!

Thanks very much :) This one I'm a bit sheepish about because I know it's not 100%. Should give a reasonable guide though..

Looks like a big investment July/Aug?

Ah! @abh12345, let's show the chart of the truly sluggish performance of a pauper chap on the steem blockchain. };)

As long as the chart is heading in the right direction...

Anddd, it is! And dare I say that the past 3 months have been the best of the 20 so far?

Anddd, it is! And dare I say that the past 3 months have been the best of the 20 so far?

Yeah! and it has only taken the trifle of thirty-three moons reach merely until 500 SP to finally become a minnow. ...if the chart were also showing the previous eight months investing only & exclusively time, dedication, blood, sweat, tears and quite a few extravagances. Hahaha

Well, there you have it. The most transparent and honest chart of the real & fast evolution on the steem blockchain of a truly pauper chap who have never powerdown and without the capacity whatsoever to invest a single fiat cent on steem to grow. };)

Thank you very much for this radiography my dear friend. :)

This calls for a celebration! :D

I will have to think about the blood, sweat, and tears chart, and hope the next 33 lunas show some faster growth.

Hahaha yeah my friend. I guess all this is gonna be matter to keep drinking my special 'RedBull' syrup to make my old bones last along 33 additional lunas ahead in the future. :)

By the way, I've brought some of that magic elixir here for you to taste. Just check on @denmarkguy's chart comments box.

I will have to think about the blood, sweat, and tears chart.

Oh! ¡watchout!, never forget include the 'extravagances' on that chart too.. ¿ok? };)

Salud!! :)

Sure go on, gis a wonkey chart

Posted using Partiko Android

Think you have enough wonky charts :P

I think I know your history here..

Self-voting spree Nov 2017 and bought a load October 2018? :D xxxxxxxxxxxx

Lol when all else fails, wonky charts rock, awesome, i love it 😂😅😂😅😂

Posted using Partiko Android

I hit the load more button a lot of times but it became to annoying.

Do me as well please.

Yeah I gave it a minute and thought it was time to have a go myself. Got some resources above to tackle it better in future too.

Loaded up in June 2017 to start?

Seems like some power-downs late summer? Hopefully this will happen the month prior to boom-time, next time :)

seems right.

You know me so well :-)

Show me mine please. 😍

Here you go :)

Quite a relaxing chart overall, and some buying taking place mid-late summer?

When are you going to power up to Orca Gillian and vote me lots? :D

some buying taking place mid-late summer?

Yep. That was when I realised I was never going to blog my way to Dolphin and since then I've been buying little bits when I can.

When are you going to power up to Orca Gillian and vote me lots?

When you tell me the secret to getting fulltimegeeks bot votes on my comments like you do. 😂

Orca's a bit fantastic though @abh12345. I haven't even made it to Dolphin yet. 😢


Seems to be getting tougher to blog up the SP ranks, community holding SP getting more important if you wish to do that. I noticed bengy got a big vote by oracle-d on a review he did 3/4 days ago, they could be one to look into?

The secret of the FTB's, hmm. Well there seems to be a number of us fortunate folk, but I do not know the reasons for our luck. Sorry!

I got a job interview for next week, maybe I will be able to buy myself to Orca over the next year :D

community holding SP getting more important if you wish to do that

not sure what you meant by that 😁

community holding SP getting more important if you wish to do that

Woo hoo! Well done. Good luck with it. Is it online?

Would love a wonky chart! :D

Posted using Partiko iOS

One wonky chart coming right up.

So when did you say you stopped looking at the introduce tags? Just before your SP doubled? haha

Nice move though from October :)

Hahahaha - are you accusing me of elitist behaviour? :') Nice chart, I like it :D Let's keep it going!

who me? :P haha

As long as no power-downs, the chart can only go up!

One for me

Posted using Partiko Android

would you like to created for me one please??? i want to see mine... because i off for ling time here on steemit.

Sure :)

Hoping for the 2nd wave to start.

bit of glue and a lot of fudge

What adult kid could resist that, so chart me up when you have the time.

Well I hope it was the fudge and not the glue that lured you in :)

Your best two months, according to wonkychart. com were December 2017 and December 2018. Fairly consistent monthly gains in-between those dates.

Nov. and Dec 18, were the months I bought a few SM cards when they started offering a steem reward for buying, that helped a bit then. Kind of plateau off a bit late december and most of jan, like a lot of others I guess. A posting/comment lull, I think that is about to change.

That is great. I wanna see my chart.

Show me mine @abh12345, please... though my line would be a boring one😂 I need to learn how to make line a bit fun to look at, maybe wave shape or even dog shape😂😂😂

Thank you in advancr

I can see a wave!

Did you hide in the bushes for the first few months? Things look a lot better from June last year :)

😂😂😂 I don't know what to do at that time😊 just posting, random comments and have fun with the dust-votes 😂😂 after June, I joined your league and started to follow your advices😊 and joining the redfish league too. No power down... I'll be a minnow soon ..I'm half way to get there😉

Thank you Asher😊 I like the wave

Hi @abh12345!

Your UA account score is currently 6.860 which ranks you at #104 across all Steem accounts.
Your rank has dropped 1 places in the last three days (old rank 103).Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!

In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 369 contributions, your post is ranked at #3. Congratulations!

Evaluation of your UA score:
  • You've built up a nice network.
  • The readers appreciate your great work!
  • Great user engagement! You rock!

Feel free to join our @steem-ua Discord server

Well Asher I am curious about mine. I do think that it will show a more or less steady growth with a small explosion in the last 3 weeks.
Show me your magic!

The last 4 months have seen the same growth as the previous 8, let's hope recent progress continues :)

As long as it goes up I am fine with it. As you know I am not planning to reach dolphin level before summer next year!
This post will score great again in the steem-ua ranking!
Well done!

Next year is conservative I think :)

Yes, already ranked at number 3, but I have dropped a place recently. I don't hold much weight towards the metric really - a bidbot scores higher (auto comments, no engagement on post).

It still is better than the regular reputation system! I am at rank 3584, which I do consider not too bad.
I also have declared this week to get back on the engagement leaderboard. Let's see if that also has a positive influence on the steem-ua ranking! I will try to create more than 300 comments.
I have been following the progress of Janton on esteem, but what he does is really amazing and unbeatable!

I’m curious about mine too. Please

A rough guide only, here you go :)


Yay, looks great! Can I have mine please? :)

Yes of course :)

After a slow start to 2018 it looks like things have started to pick up nicely! Have you bought any STEEM or is this all through hard work?

That chart looks great! Thank you Asher!
No, I haven't bought any Steem, all you see there is my hard work on Steemit and Musing. I'm planning on growing by working hard, without investing.

Good on you, thanks for the request :D

Thanks for providing the charts 😉

I would love to see mine as well! Thanks so much!


It's not 100% accurate, for reasons stated in the post, but should give some insight as to the major moves and growth. It looks like you have been stocking up over the past couple of months!

Thanks, yes I did :)

Good luck for this year, it must surely be better than 2018!

This post has been included in the latest edition of SoS Daily News - a digest of all you need to know about the State of Steem.

Wow, @abh12345. Just realizing here that I have yet to make a request for this chart of all charts. :) Talk about distracted. So, if you please, if the statute of limitations isn't up on this, I would be very happy to see it.

My guess is that it's going to look rather flat in some spots and somewhat vertical in others. I can't remember exactly each time I bought in, but the latter part of the year should be rising more than the front part.

Now watch it all be totally different. :)

I have been expecting you :)

I do see a couple of instances of flat and vertical in there following a very steady start to the year. Hopefully some food for thought (and more verticals to follow).

I'm afraid I've invested what I can into the foreseeable future, so any verticals I manage to pull off here on out are going to have to come from my earnings here, which, will probably look more like the first gentle slop as opposed to the steeper climbs.

That is, unless STEEM falls under $0.10. I don't think any of us what that, though. But that would be about the only way I could do it. :)

May I please have a wonky chart?

If i can find my files, yes you may.....

Seems you bought in a fair amount last month, I hope that the timing for you turns out spot on :)