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RE: Cryptocurrency Trading 2020

in #steem5 years ago

It's being talked about a proper alt season for months on different social media platforms but I assume you are referring to alts decoupling from BTC's price movements for good. That would be the beginning of the era of use case for cryptos when investors would really look almost entirely to the fundamentals of a blockchain and its crypto and not that much to its previous price performance. It would be great for that to happen as of next year because Steem would have this way a well deserved relieve rally. It's definitely a working product in comaprison with many that only have partnership announcements and propaganda around them but don't do anything actually. What Bitcoin does after all? It's not yet a store of value in my opinion and neither a form of payment. Not to talk about XRP...
From a ROI point of view I really hope for alts to decouple and see my investments worthy. Nothing is for sure though as the crypto market is still a wild west in my opinion.