I don't notice them lately, surely because I am not the best content creator around
You don't have to be one to have ex-bid bots upvotes. I've seen quite lame posts getting upvoted by such. I guess they simply upvote posts randomly nowadays or have a few favorite users not bothering to discover others.
The trending page hasn't changed a lot. No more paid votes, but as you said, just a few types of posts from the same users that appear over and over again. I don't even care about that sbd potato and burning steem initiatives.
Let them burn theirs, I earned mine hard. I really have no clue how the price of Steem will ever recover. It has $317,428 in daily volume. That's very low.
Steem really needs to change something in order to attract investors. People with lots of money check projects before investing massively. It's sad that a blockchain with so much potential has such a undervalued cryptocurrency.
Why attract investors when the same people can just keep appearing on the trending page patting each other on the back while making what satisfies them....they don't need investors to make money.
That’s also true
Posted using Partiko iOS
No promotion no visibility
Promotion isn't going to help, the vast majority of those who spend any significant amount of time on social media sites already have been there and done that with steemit and left spreading by word of mouth how the place is set up to operate like a ponzi scheme.
I'm going to sound really stupid here--but I see the enormous amounts of Steem the big whales own. This coin is now worth $.12 or $.13. Think of the value they'd have if the coin rose to $2, $3 or even $6. Devaluing their investment through bad practices is like a farmer eating next season's seed. Makes no sense to me, but then, I'm not good with money. I'm just a 'content creator'. I have fun here and I'd love to see many more people join the blockchain. Unfortunately, people join and drop out because they are simply ignored. Not even talking about rewards. They get no notice, so there is no incentive to continue.
Sorry I latched onto your comment, but you seemed to make sense, so I put in my own 'two cents'.
I'll Steem on as long as the platform is here.
Have a great day.
Having fun is essential but people look around at what rewards others have and get disappointed when they don't get attention. It's human behaviour. I doubt any influential account in here would still be around if his blog would have been constantly ignored. Have a good day!
I'm going to bed in here 😴.