AskSteemit: How many Steem related chats are you in?

in #steem6 years ago

Not many crypto projects look at the amount of different discord servers or slacks that exist around their currency as it's not the best measure of activity and popularity, but since we are on a social media platform and being social is a big part of it I thought I'd ask this question to see how involved you guys are and maybe we can hear about a few servers some of us may have missed and would love to be in.

Now I'm not asking you guys to name all of them but if you can quickly give a count for all the discord servers you are in that are somehow related to Steem or were created cause of Steemians coming together then reply with a comment to this post about the amount and which ones your favorites are where you spend most of your time on.

I am in 28 discord servers and this is after leaving some regularly as I realized I don't look into them ever. The servers I use and read the most nowadays are OCD, Steem Onboarding, PAL, Steem Alliance and then a small one which there are only a few Steemians in where we mainly just talk shit. :D

Then there are two-three slacks, + telegram.

AskSteemit: How many Steem related chats/chatrooms are you in and which one is your favorite?
