The main idea was to offer daily returns such as @ocdb to investors who don't necessarily want to know what exactly is happening with their Steem they've invested in as long as it provides them the daily ROI + be able to withdraw the funds whenever they want.
Right now it would take 5days+13 weeks to liquidate everything so they'd have to take a chance at when they start the powerdown which during it would only get your curation rewards or ROI by selling it through smartsteem market.
You will notice that most “investors” will not mind locking in their funds for longer period of time. Yes, of course, as fund manager you need a solid contract then. Many will even pay a fee for managing their funds too.
Yes, times are changing and this is an unregulated stock market mostly.
There definitely is a model achievable. Whether it is a healthy one or a card house, that’s a different debate.
“They’d have to take a chance” is as much a protection as an inconvenience to them.
If you offer a high ROI there’s probably going to be inconveniences in the model as well. Most know that.