I was promoting Steem on so many reddit.com/r/Bitcoin posts that I started getting error messages asking me to only comment once every 7 mins :D Please help me promote Steem with HELPFUL comments on Reddit's r/Bitcoin Subreddit, reply to TOP comments!

in #steem6 years ago


Come promote Steem with me! Post on the Front page of https://reddit.com/r/bitcoin and reply on ALL top posts and top comments on EVERY one of the posts on this r/Bitcoin Subreddit! Leave HELPFUl and RELEVANT posts with links to your steem blog to learn more and that way you promote steem AND yourself! Tell reddit users you will direct them here to help them get instant accounts via steeminvite.com by @pharesim a tool you can use to create instant accounts, but please just be relevant and nice! tell reddit users you respect them for paving the way for steem and that now steem can help reddit users with a reddit SMT where Steem users can set up a Token to Airdrop on Reddit karma holders so they can FINALLY get something TANGIBLE!

So While I was thinking about a Reddit SMT to allow Reddit users to claim some of that Worthless Karma theyve earned over the last decade, I realized that Reddit is no "enemy" its just another social media website that happens to contains the bulk of our future userbase! Why alienate them with a "war" against Reddit when we can just convince them to JOIN Steem because steem can actually help reddit! A reddit SMT could be AIRDROPPED upon ALL Reddit Accounts who have more than a certain level of Karma. Karma is a system on Reddit that is non transferable and so it cannot be spent it is just more like our Rep System than Steempower, but it is similar to Sp because users on reddit earn that Karma when they get upvoted by other reddit users, they have Karma and Comment karma for their comments. I believe we should use this to recognize WHo would become the most valuable users on Steem if they did join from reddit! Yes some of their karma was gamed because no one cares because its non transferable, you cannot send it so there is no market but if karma was transferable,or if we AIRDROPPED an SMT we could use THAT as a transferable karma for reddit users and it would be distributed just like karma on reddit has been EARNED by its users, so it would attract ALL reddit users and why not? :)

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while i do want to promote it can be very annoying to spam like that and may give people the wrong idea like its some sort of facebook scam.

the feeling is always good getting people on board @ackza. Happy weekend

dude we will make a platform like this new https://dlike.io site but for people in Africa who can create projects on steem liek a kickstarter or a gofundme type system which will help them organzie the campaign and GUIDE them to make updates like in order to use the site, they have to like post uupdates showinghow theyre spending the uupvotes they got after making pposts explaining what theyd do if they did get upfvotes, i can just see a sort fo site like that taking over liek a PATREON for steem too kinda like @roelandp 's https://solicitingpower.com but more like Patreon!