I think @ned wants to perhaps protect the Steem Name space which is important because once someone just tries taking up all the popular names as soon as its very easy to make accounts, then thats it, same steem blockchain forever , unless someone wants to sell them, so maybe we need a steem name peace auction house so if people DO buy them up first we can make sure they are all somewhere fr sale instead of having to scour the blockchain sending memos like for @asshole and other popular names that I heard required a lil work to get, so imagine if that was done in an auction house
But yeah making sure people have to wait 40 mins to an hour like youre talking about here with POW mining to create a Key Pair, now thatd be cool, because you could get to make sure people had to WAIT an hour or so to get each account and that is fine, it prevents people from being able to sign up more than 24 accounts a day, hah imagine 2 or 4 hours to prevent people really signing up accounts, maybe it gets harder and harder to set up accounts and over time people have to go through third party hash power providers to easily create accounts maybe for a dollar, then another competitor does it cheaper for 80 cents and so on and so on, we create a nice lil market heh, or not, iI dunno this is a serious problem the name space or is it? on twitter people just adapt and celebrities and companies do things like putting "theREAL" in front of their name like TheREAL AlexJones etc.
So I think people will adapt. But maybe it will be good to have people waiting an hour or maybe two or three to get a free account, and I think having your CPU mine in browser could allow new users to get educated on the steem blockhain, a steem block explorer can be displayed and users can get a feel for "mining" and feel like they are really part of a Blockchain! :)
These sorts of infographics with live stats can adorn the Signup Page and eeducate users with Videos explaining steem while their mining for a new account :D maybe a Spokesperson walks out and says something like "Hi, while youre mining in your CPU for your new account, wed like to explain how steem works and how you can get paid for your voice on the internet!" haha that Steem Signup Page could be so slick!
Very nice suggestion Zach.
Love the live-stats-on-frontpage suggestion!
Often the real value of the steem Blockchain isn't communicated enough to the wider public (even those in the cryptocurrency space) and it's a real asset to the steem platform to let the product speak for themselve. Steem is not just a "reddit with crypto" as so misrepresented by most of the people in cryptotwitter...