Just use a Bit Pay debit card...I know it sucks that we havve to deal with regulators who wanna at teh same tiime treat bitcoin as NOT being money and then agt teh same time ask us to pay taxes on it like it IS money haha pick! ucant have both bankers! but So what if some random company cant do business here They arent the only plavce to get a crypto powered debit card and ts not steem powered its just a bitcoin debit card! Im suprised you of all people dont ave a bitcoin debit card yet but I havent had one yet untill i jst ordered t days ago ;) and also its a goodthing if your not spendi your crypto! save it up!
Any bitcoin funded debot card will let you find it with "steem" if u just convert the steem to bitcoin! I use bitpay debit card I jst ordered for $10 in BTC! and then u can also just get a Shift Payments card by coinbase that links to your coinbase wallet balance allwoing u to spend yoru coinbase wallet balance! its very nice
me too