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RE: Introducing dMania: 9GAG on Steem - Make money with memes

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Wow i resteemed snd followed! I have over 2900 followers and ill show this to and @fyrstikken and @neoxian and @stellabelle snd @thejohalfiles and @papa-pepper and @sweetsssj and @tj4real and @tytran (just showed him) and will show more whales and Uhh yeah you do have a full-time job it's called working on D Mania. You need to work on this full-time and soon you will once you start earning enough from The Profit the same way D sound and D to make a little bit of money from their percentage they take which seems to be a little high and I'm wondering if I just missed the article where it says how much you're going to charge and I honestly don't care and I'm sure it's fair and I really love the idea of people finding out about this website D Mania before they even find out about steemit and I think the one thing that D Mania D tube and D sound all need is the ability to register new users independently of steemit which means they need to actually register steemit users so maybe you could even create a button to register new users to the steem blockchain and have the button basically redirect someone to the registration form and then the button should also won the person this button will redirect you to steemit where you'll be registering a steemit account and then instructions on how to get that posting key now that seems like it's a little complicated and people need to understand crypto currency to know why they need that posting key why there's four different passwords but I think it's fun after knowing about it and I like the process but we have to realize people like me like that process they're going to really not like having to go get a posting key they're just going to be too complicated and so people aren't going to want to have to register on steemit and then go over to permission to get there posting key and paste it is a simple process and maybe we could make it more simple maybe we can have the ability to register on steemit instantly and then repost they're posting key without them even knowing about it like somehow take the posting key data from their account and go use it like all inside a pop-up window maybe one pop-up window can allow them to register on steemit allow them to save their master key and then it'll automatically copy and paste they're posting key maybe give him a little dialog box that says you know would you like to take your posting key and give it to the Mania and have a little dialogue box that could tell the user what's going on showing how they're taking the posting key from the new account and giving it to D Mania while at the same time it could allow the user to copy down their master key for steemit and yeah I think that way we could really make it easy for people to sign up and I think that would overcome a big barrier but even if we can't do that we're still going to attract a lot of people with this website man you created something really amazing here and you basically just created the 4chan for steemit and this is going to be incredible and this is going to be incredible I have been trying to tell people to monitors memes for a while now and I even got banned from the reddit sub reddit "meme economy" after suggesting that people monetize memes and I am just so glad monitors means and I am just so glad that we finally have someone with the sense to replicate the whole image only posting for steam it and yes I also noticed that gap between D tube and D sound and I'm glad that you created the image version of that this is exactly what I knew would happen but I'm just glad you did the work and you are going to reap the benefits now I suggest you dedicate time or hire someone because or or find a free intern because you're going to be the leader of a very popular website and you're you're going to need new features and you're going to want to create new projects or you could keep just one big pet project like this and make it better and better maybe you could create the system for generating posting keys for new users that is more user-friendly so that D tube and D sound can register new users without needing steemit while still staying on the steem blockchain maybe we could just start with the idea of having a button to redirect people to the steemit Registration site anyway thank you so much for creating D Mania I am typing this out using the Google voice to text so I'm not really typing and wow this is very very easy to just talk and have Google type out your words for you. So basically I am realizing that people should use steemit with voice recognition software like the basic Google Voice to Text on your phone or tablet it makes steemit so much easier when you don't have to type


Yes, google voice recognition is great -

punctuation maybe not it's strong suit.

most perfect gif ever.

You mean GIF't, don't you?

i didnt even think about it but youre right, not a single period in the entire post, it's like I use commas instead! someone just said it's james joyce style, but wouldn't he go on for multiple pages in the same sentence? i think stream of consiouenss in rapid fire is only acurate way to express your mind, becvause the thoughst cant be expresed with english but iuf u speak enough and get it all out fast and keep expressing how you feel opver and over woith differemnt descriptions of your feelinsg and idea then you wil eventau;;y uncover the idea like you have evebtually we will get enough data to piece togethr your thoughts ......anyway, when you constrtict yourself to multiple sentencs and use periods, maybe your cutting off the thoughts u may be better off leaving in a string!

you have been followed

I am following everyone here in this list of people who upvoted by crazy long $7.48 Voice to Text comment because if you liked that you will love hearing more of my maniactic rantings

And I am still unable to understand how this system works? can anybody help me how to grow with steemit ?

heres a quarter kid

and a tai lopez video to start u off

this too

Here are seven steps to start immediately.
Apply social media on yourself. “Start marketing yourself,” Lopez explains. ...
Pick lucrative niches. ...
Create packages. ...
Win clients, quickly. ...
Tell engaging stories to attract followers. ...
Track results. ...
Hire staff.

I think this is what you meant to link @ackza

hahhaha this is hilarious, MEMES, getting a lot of money! memes!

"I saw a guy get shot in the dick when I was 5 years old, I sent that guy a coffee table book"


"My dad was a ferrari fucker"

"I can tell you a less painful way.... Oil up the butt!"

"people ask me, dude, how do I get puissy? you have to be Nice... You know, This is tit fuck headquarters here where I live here"

Oh man this is amazing , heh, fuckin, heh, fuckin, amazing, heh, especially if you wanna make money, heh

This is gold.

Ha, fucking hilarious!!

one punch man song included, sold!

this had me ROLLING just now!

Also, read a book a day in your library/garage in front of your car. ;)

only 47 lamborghinis in my lamborghini account hah ,man these are such gold

It's like having your tongue in front of your eyes and can't see a word you're saying! 😵

Thanks for your great feedback. I really could use some resteems or upvotes from a whale. This post doesn't get the attention I thought it would get.
I am going to improve the login and registration process as soon as it is possible. The new version of SteemConnect will make this process a lot easier. Then you won't have to copy your posting key anymore.

Omg, that would be amazing. Upvoted and following you so I can stay up to date on the project.

nothing more calming that working on a program or website on a laptop/tablet at a coffee shop or home while talking to peopel around the world, and knoaing that your gong to make money all online, especially from using your own mind, its quite the rush!

You are smart for wanting to do work like this! Any work on steemit like this willbe a win and there are so many things to do even creating a bot ius something a youtube commercial told me I was alrady behind in lol i literally saw a youtube ad for some messanging app Bot creation service that began with 'If you're not buildinga bot, youre already behind" anyway man, the android app @edgar-trem is something ui will have fun with or i hjhope u will! its a lot of fun building an app and doing it skiow and relaxing, it's just very calming when you realize that urban sort of feeling of doing dot com tech work, like being in silicon valeyy or sanfranscio and working at Google before they really became big, or like imagine that feeling of workng at uber or pandora befoe they got big, and havingtha tfeelking of making money online with some app of software, its justsuch a rush!

get into software! go on and learn about stuf people like @inertia do like his bots he creates and @gyzimo and his chat bot @curisoity and youll be able to learner lot from real web developers and programmers and business people and writers and just cme on and learn! get int the spirit of web development! the feeling fo mamingmoney online fromsofytware creation is so fun!

I'm going to keep sharing your site w/all of my meme loving friends. I love a good meme, and plan to start contributing, but for some of my friends, memes are what they live for. I showed them your app, and that's what convinced them to take a serious look at Steemit. Keep it up. You're on to something. Bookmarked it in my mobile browser, too, so I easily remember to visit it.

wait realy?? so whaty will steemconnect do so thaty u wont need to use posting key anymore?? wel what would u login with then??

and hey I believe my resteem worked! I helped get your post up to $270! hahaha u have upvotes from @donkeypong @booster and @dtube even! decentraioed media platforms on steem blokchain UNITE!

hey man look at that, u got an upvote from the might @thejohalfiles wow nice one ofthe biggest whales and one who really supported me when i first started here! i am So happy my call to him and other whales all worked nd that he pushed your post up to where it deserved! I tOLD you i would do something about it i saw an undervalued post and i had to do something and i KNEW the whales would apreciate the sheer technical neciecisty of a site like this when we already had daudio and dtube but no stil image meme site....and this Dmania site will really fill up in teh future peopel will get hooked on making money with mmes and we will see people perfect the art of memetiucs on Dmania! ... oh and seems i was rewarded with wow a $7 comment upvote wow nioce! thank you all!

wow man u REALLy got some whale upvots here! look!

Thank you for your support. Those upvotes helped a lot

I can't tell you hao disappointed I am that you didn't type that.

I thought for a minute there, you were a reincarnation of James Joyce.

I was also surprised to find a period.

Shhh but I actually honestly id type it all out lol and so to disguise my laziness and craziness I just claimed that i had used the Google voice to text feature, but if you check all my posts and especially comments you'll see a lot of 10 line run on sentences all over the place but can probably keep going for many pages like james joyce did, because look I dont have any sort of filter between what I think and what i say, and what I say is what i type, there is no difference, it is the same ego speaking and it doesn't need to concern itself with arbitrary "punctuation that doesn't ever help me anyway because I need to not be constrained by limits but what I do need is a better microphone and better voice to text software but until then i will be happy to leave punctuation out of all my sentences if that is what you really want because i feel the more I can express in one sentence the better and why stop at an arbitrary number or words or lines I mean who is to say when a thought begin and another ends and why should I cut my thoughts up like sausage meat when the human mind and language are continuous flows of information and emotion and why put limitations on how much your mind can express itself?

Now that you mention it, we do rather resemble animated sausages...

you have followed

@ackza so this is legit? I am skeptical on having to enter private keys on anything but this site.

yes it is safe because it is just your POSTINg key (for posting, commenting, upvoting) and its not your Master key that can be used for wallet transactions

your posting keuy can ONLY be used to make comments and upvotes, thats it, dont worry, and youcan change that posting key using the master key,

and iu had the same concern when signing up with chainBB for the first time which lets u login with steem account and posting key to post and comment and upvote stuff in a forum type setup but iyt steem blocckhain, and so i looked it up learned about it and realized from @jesta the creator of chainbb that u cant go wrong using the posting key becauese u can change the posting key using teh master key anyay so yeah, ur good, but it is tristhworyty, if u ever did catch susipous activity of yoru account upvting stuff u never upvoted or maing commentsu never typed u canujust change your posting key but this site shouldt ever give you that oroblemi will let @zombee explain

Okay thank you ackza. I am loving it! This steemit platform is amazing.

yes you are fine. You use SteemConnect yeah> steemconnect is safe its from steemit inc and son it will even get battle tested hopefully so we can see how it stands up to a biog attack, i wanna be able to know i can trust tr with my owner key, but even if owner key was comprimised and password wad changed i could always do a account recovery procedure which is NOT to be used if YOu forgot your Owner key that is NOT what it is for.. you MUST haveone of your origional passwords to do the recovery process... and yes steemit inc has smeone working at an office hired just for recovery service, BITCOIn doesnt have an account recovery service! (Anyone can be assigned to be yoru account recovery person though so its not just stemit inc who can do this u can set it to be anyone you want ) It works because the Blockchain records everything so they can tell who the attacker is and they can also easily verify you with a picture in a comment etc and then tell whose comment is the actual original owner and who the attacker or poser is... its amazing... steem accounts are MUCH safer to load a lot of money onto ... bitcoin doesnt have that sort of feature! if youre hacked in Bitcoin world youre fucked!

ANYWAY sorry for loong answer but tryto just use postingf key to login to third party front ends hen u can, i know dmania got rid of the posting key login to opt for Steem COnnect which is much more advanced but posting key might be better for such a website, but steemconnect is SU{PPOSED to be safe i just dont think steemconnect should even have owner keys they should make do with posting key and active keys

Anyway its an ACTIVE debate currently still going on within steemit itself sbut you will be fine!

:D dont worry you are ok!

Thank you brethren