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RE: Clash of Steem

in #steem5 years ago

This is actually a well studied phenomenon. I wrote about it ages ago. The studies went something like this:

Person A given $10 - happy and grateful
Person B given $2.5 - happy and grateful

Person A given $10, then moments later has $5 taken away - disgruntled and annoyed
Person B given $2.5, then moments later given another $2.5 - incredibly grateful.

Human beings, we respond more emotionally to negative events than equivalent positive ones. It's built into our fabric. Some say it was a survival evolutionary trait since spotting your enemies early was vital.

I'm no exception to this of course, even though I'm aware of it. . I was pleased to be on a large Orca's auto-upvote for months, but not very pleased with what seemed like an auto-downvote campaign from a whale.

My example is not actually a great one, since the downvotes are actually personal, but you get the idea.