Hi @ned. From the pond, about the workbench of SteemWiki

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

This is a kind of editor's note to the undenyable great founder of our beloved blockchain Steem. Hope not to stay too close to you with this mention, Ned. And what is any mention worth, not bound to a petition.

Hereby I ask for the STW-SMT. Will you send me please an answer, what I have to do for, or is it okay now and you will send the coins to my investors and some for me as well? I'm not a rich man, but I have one of the Killer-Applikations for media, using their own blockchain Steem. I would be appreciated, when all that immense business work, now have to be done, is just easy prepared by Ally McBeel, and her busy attorneys. We should have a meeting in some Hanau's local finest Hotels. Do you know the Golfclub Hanau? Well known on any green. 40 years of IT can't be wrong. This is an invitation. How much rooms do you need to feel comfortable? My community is kindly inviting you to come to Hanau.

Thanks in advance

Forever your true Steemian
SteemWiki–in short (SW) @afrog, (Developer of , and a small group of SW-Power Delegators (Community #deutsch).

Hereby, short regards from Marc Laporte (head of the Tiki.org) to all the Steem-People.

We, the SW, are sure he will spend a personal note to the people of the Steem, right after his journey. Regards from Roberto (Tiki.org), holder of a fresh Steem account, I forgot his stw- Tikiacount-Code, sorry. Roberto, my Admin Bro, Tiki Org on Back - and Frontend.

If you want to hear the elevator pitch of the SteemWiki-Project, dear Ned, just give me a ribbit, and you stay inside of an elevator to the pond. Sorry, I have no time for writings and conversation. The SW-Project is far too much busy. On the other line I have the Tiki.org.. I introduced the Steem over there and the Chief was on fire. The head from the Tiki-Orgs lives in Canada. Neighbours! Happy–Happy. And now to

The Community #deutsch and their good old Frog

Ned was always

the MUAD'DIB to me. The great navigator of the Worm, the Steem. And he never lost this high status. Neither by HF 18/19, nor by all the talking about reputation loss, powerdowns and information suppression. A Fork is discussed, at least! Ned leads a very noteworthy enterprise. You just have to make concessions in such a position and when the strongest investors are uncomfortable with being able to follow their transactions, I as a frog have full understanding.

The SW is a common Steemians Project.

Tiki.org co-administrates the SW. Steem developers should be involed from now on. It would be our Killer-Condenser for the miners, the media and investors too. 40 years of software exploring are ribbiting here. Experience can't fail. Tiki is ours! Listen:

The first population

of SW-users must be Steem-developers. We will give you a Sandbox for now. The SteemWiki prodly invites Developers, to take part in their own big thing. Inside the Tiki, there is no barrier in between API-Node and the Tiki. The Official SW Condenser like to use anyx.io only, in hope of an invitation by @greymass to settle down there, in between the big Lake's half island. Believe me, its true. JS is not a big affair and the Tiki Condenser is going to show the whole Steem without any barrier, but the API of @anyx. „@thedarkoverlord will not disappear on the SW of Authors and developers. It might disappear on the display of a group of corporate stw-media avatars. What a Tiki Steem-user does in his Tiki, it's his affair. Take your personal Steemit API. If you like it, use the SQL-database.

Our editor speaks Javascript, HTML and Wiki Syntax, future: The Vue Markdown editor.

inside one document. Wiki Syntax is also a universe of functions, called on the Tiki-Way as Plugins. The loading time is caused by the long list of different plugins. You can write a book about on "My Tiki", if you like.

If it's good,

you will probably stay inside the Wiki as an editor. The Help for every Steemian and any developer, interested in exploring the Steem. Ready for your new Steem-database editor? Maybe not all of the plugins (by policies) will be enabled, but a lot of! Quite well reported by manual. Back and forth. From the Steem – to the Steem – to the Tiki, if you like to write some JSON's of interest to your database. Collect them, compute them by speadsheet. Oh yes, spredsheets are on board of a Tiki, from the scratch. As well the graphics. Datastoring affairs will be done by Trackers. No additional PHP needed. It's all on board of a fresh Tiki. It's your Condenser for two databases: Tiki database and Steem is on board in SteemWiki for developers as well.

I'm sneaking around

the doghound of security-administrators – melting pot of hate in any company. He will be the instance, to allow your code to work outside of the Tiki or not. First, before @steemwiki can pay him, you will stay inside a Sandbox, sorry. All in function, nothing code public, but your community functions are enabled. Your File-system runs, Blogs are running, myforum not going on to bore you, your personal Frontpage is running as well.

What else do I have to do,

to make the SW-Project an official Steem-Project? Would you please send me an advocate. Just to help with all these issues. My personal brain has to inforce the development of the SW, itself. I have to set up a Github project and include the Tikis SourceForge project as well. I cannot spend times in registration and administration of new connections and rules. I need this Security-Admin and asked the first kid of my beloved Rose. His brain is Linux. And he is a Rocket man. He worked for great companies and institutions. I'm in strong hope, he will join the Team. Stepson Volker. pure Family.

Commertial too

By the way, SteemWiki is a commercial project too. I am a Provider. Webspace, Domain, Email, FTP&Co - call [email protected]! You find bookkeeping in your Tiki and when your Tiki should be a Warehouse, feel free to build your warehouse. With Shopping Cart, and whatsoever. Swiss knife for all Steem users. Make it happen! Vote the @steemwiki's postings! We have to realize the idea right now.

To the Investors

You will be invited, when the domain is working in a stable run, the STW Token is equipped and the domain with all the planned functions is stable. But you will be able to mine our coin from the scratch. So please wait on for a few days, as well the interested developers. Developers will come in front through the gate. Feel free, to give me a notice in the replies. You are invited to get a login call. Email adress and a well known steem-avatar's name is mandatory. It will just take a little time – some, little time. I'm a three guys garage band.

Our Tiki has to work right now

and it stands your arrivals soon. The best JS-repositories we ever had, will be the right packages for the SW. So told me Marc Laporte. Some proposals? Please help me. I can't read through any repository. Of course I could and I have done it already. No surprise, I am not enabled to decide what is good and what isnogood for the Tiki. Please, we need a helping hand from real Steem developers in consulting. Write a Arbeitsbericht and the Community-Deutsch will vote for. Call Chriddi, she will publish it on steemwiki's blog.

Just a notice to the devs: The Tiki editor respectsWhat will be the best, complete JS-libraries for the Tiki? Would you please expect the next „Arbeitsbericht“ in my @steemwiki-blog. It will be an edition for developers only. I will strip for you down the code of the SW-HomePage. It's no secret. Rough beginners work. I bring the Tiki to you and you tell me, how to do the build! Yes, the frog said developers.

  • HTML
  • Tiki Syntax
  • Javascript.
    inside one document! The Tiki editor offers SQL database storing. Steem connect and https-publishing. And much much more. I don't like to bore you with functions this moment. We should be introduced each other, now.

Also eine Arbeitsumgebung, nach der man sich als Entwickler vielleicht noch nicht alle Finger leckt, die man aber zumindest mal misstrauisch beäugen könnte, da sie extrem ausbaufähig ist. Templates? All hands on bord. Wenn einer weiß wie man Atom an den Tiki-Editor hängt, lasst es mich wissen. Dafür zeige ich euch das Tiki. Was meint ihr? Was müsst ihr wissen, um zu entscheiden, wie man die Operationen am besten durchführt? FRAGT MICH ENTWICKLER!!! Das Teil ist gut. Wer will rein gucken? Der Reply ist beim Frosch immer geöffnet. Er guckt nur nicht dauernd rein. Verzeiht ihm! Er muss schreiben, wie @leroy.linientreu, so vermisst er den Kerl.

Da er von Natur aus große Sprünge liebt, will er den Vue Scaffolder einbinden. Vorschläge, wie das geht? Also ich will es. @Chriddi will es und ihr wollt es auch. Vertraut dem Frosch. 40 Jahre IT können nicht irren! Weil ich auch immer nur an euch Entwickler denke, wäre ein Scaffolder unter dem Tiki-Editor einfach die reine Sahne. Wollt ihr das haben? Sagt an, was ich tun muss! Ihr bekommt es.

Mit Atom und Vue

direkt im Verbund auf dem Steem stehen, unter deiner eigenen SQL Datenbank entwickeln und das Wiki nebenbei schlau machen. Wir schlagen viele Flegen mit einer Klappe, wenn Entwickler ins Tiki kommen. Du kannst zB- funktionale Templates für unseren LEGO-Bot beisteuern. Das Wiki speicherts weg und lässt die Tiki-Maschine brummen. CRON-Jobs und CURL inclusive. Die Maschine führt alles aus, was vom Security-Admin frei gegeben wurde. Wir haben Versions Kontrolle und Rollbacks im Tiki. Versteht ihr das?

For your pleasure @ned, a trailer about Hanau:


Ich habe ein Paar Fragen -
. Do you mind if I write in English?
. Have I posted this in the right place?
.Do you remember what those links were, that you wanted to send me?Something to do with Atom or Markdown something?

.What's this "Markdown" button for ?

You wrote your reply in a markdown editor. Markdown is the syntax to use here on the Steem. We have to catch the whole Sytax, to translate it so the quite simliar Tiki-syntax. Up this page, in the Steemit's search area, you will find a lot of stuff about Markdown. Read.Search for "help markdown editor".
Cherioo Michael.

Dein OS, UbuntuStudio 18.04 – Das Wiki für das Linux im Studio: https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Wiki/

Die Blockchain: https://steem.io (https://steem.com/)

Dein Projekt: https://steemwiki.org, Login kommt per Email.

Vue: https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/

HTML, CSS, Javasript: https://www.w3schools.com/js/

oder: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript (Witzig, die verwenden das Tiki für ihr Wiki!).

Beide Sites sind Spitze!

Bootstrap (Template-Framework): https://www.w3schools.com/bootstrap4/bootstrap_get_started.asp


Verdammt, Ihr Hanauer seid hädder wie wir! Geiler Trailer. Mit der Clivia Runkle wärdd isch sofodd e baar Pilsscher drinke!

Ich war Taxifahrer, als die Amis noch hier waren. Da habe ich überhaupt erst Englisch gelernt. In der Schule war das nicht möglich. Als Nachtfahrer bin ich ab und zu mal in Vera's Bar rein gekommen. Da haben die alten Mädels oben ohne bedient und waren total süß. Sie haben immer Schätzchen zu mir gesagt und nicht offensichtlich dort hin zu gucken, wo du für dein Leben gerne hinguckst, war immer mindestens schwierig.

Das waren DAMEN.

Oh ja @leroy.linientreu, mit großem Herzen. Ich finde es angenehm, dass du hier bist.

Mir warn ja auch viel näher am Pflasterstrand dran, als ihr brave Darmstädter. Es bleibt doch bei März, Leroy? Mir treffe uns unn picheln was wegg. So wie bei dir daham mit dene Ossis im Gadde.

Des wedd nix werrn. Leider ... der arme Leroy ersäuft in Arbeit unn kimmt hier net vom Aggä. Melde mich beizeiten!

Handkäs unn Mussigg wardde auf disch. Des Geribbde sowieso.
Es heißt wardde auf disch, abber ganz klar „haue uffn Disch“! Den Unnerschied versteht nur en Hess.

Hey, Du wurdest von @altobot gevotet!

Du hast ein Upvote von mir erhalten. Ich bin ein automatischer VotingBot und veröffentliche einmal am Tag einen Post in dem alle Votes zu finden sind.

Vorallem mit viel Sonne. Der @curationvoter wünscht Dir und deinen Lieben eine tolle Faschings/Karnevalzeit.

Passend dazu hab ich für euch wieder ein wenig musikalische Unterstützung.

Bis denne