Bringing YouTube Channel Owners to Steem: Let's Make it Worth it for Everyone!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

I've spent some of the last two weeks as a liaison between Steem, YouTubers on Steem, and those that aren't here yet. I've spent a few hours talking to people and have come up with a few conclusions.

The YouTube landscape is a little bleak right now

Competition is fierce
If you're not already above 1M subscribers the challenge of getting there seems a lot higher than it was 3-4 years ago. It seems as though everyone has thought about just being a YouTube star and has attempted this. As a consequence there's a lot more channels producing a much wider range of content. It's good for YouTube and it attracts a wider audience, but it's harder to get noticed during that time.

You can't talk to a person in YouTube land that doesn't seem drastically impacted by YouTube's ongoing changes to their financial policy. Whether you believe it's a form of censorship or you believe it's just corporate sponsors being very picky the result remains the same: YouTube channels are getting their revenue cut. For the folks making a living this way it's pretty scary to see that their revenue gets cut randomly.

Ad experience of the user
Have you tried watching YouTube lately? It's a fucking cess pool of ads. Want to watch a video? Watch this video first. Enjoyed 3 minutes of your video? Watch this 8 min video to see the next 4 minutes. You get the drill. The user experience of that literally keeps me away, and no it doesn't inspire me to get youtube red.

Steem is getting there

So, if you're already at 1M+ subscribers than Steem might not be the best place to grow your listenership or honestly contribute enough money to help you do what you do just yet. It's a good backup and a good plan, but it wont' be your central revenue source. That's not true for smaller channels though.

If you're in the sweet spot of 100k-1M then we're at a pretty good fit. Steem needs more eyeballs so we can grow. If you're a YouTube Channel operator then you got those! You need money. Don't know if you noticed it but Steem at one point hit a $1B market cap. Peeps in here have money. So, let's barter our money for your pitching us.

How does it work for Channel Operators

I'll help you. I'll be your Steem pimp. I'll pitch your content to some whales. I'll introduce you on radio shows to this community. I'll try to get you on panel discussions with big names on the platform to help you grow. It sucks getting started on Steem, but it helps if I'm there. I'm a top 20 witness with 9k followers, and there's a lot of people that think I help this platform and would back you if I'm promoting you.

So, that's how we're gonna get you money. I'll even put in some honorariums of 50-300 steem to bring you on shows and pimp you that way too. What you need to do though is progressive work towards these things:

  1. At the end of every video I need you to promote your steem channel to your audience. When you're saying click here, subscribe here, touch this, hum that way.. you need to also say "Here's a link to my Steem profile leave a comment on my page and I'll try to type back to you!"

  2. You should be putting your content on Steem. We want you using dtube, dsound, and dlive as well as the other projects that come here. We want you to put your content on steem based tools. Can you use others? Sure, but we need you doing this if you want attention from this community or help from me.

  3. Exclusive to Steem content. We want you to pull your loyal audience here. To get the folks that don't want to miss out you need a hook. Exclusive content can do that.

  4. Interact with fans. On Youtube you get a viral video and it gets 2000 comments and you dont' care about answering people. Here, especially as a bit of a celebrity you're going to care. Every comment you make could get you upvotes in addition to your article, story, video, song, whatever. So, you have a financial incentive to finally interact with fans. Your story could get $20. Your comment to a fan could earn $300. Won't always be like that, but people will drop upvotes on comments from you!

  5. Make a plea, some tutorials, and other videos about crypto in general, and Steem in particular to help them understand how to be here.

Steem is hard and there's a learning curve

Steeming ain't easy. But that's ok. There's a help group for that. Have you heard of the Minnow Support Group? I founded this baby. It's got 6,000+ Steemians in there and it's run by publicly elected witnesses and moderators on the blockchain that can help you and your audience learn the ropes! This is part of how you can educate your people. Send them our way we'll straighten'em out in no time. We tend hang out in a Discord group called the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network. You can join it here: I also just redirected to there, so that's a little easier to remember.

What if I'm just a minnow? Does any of this apply to me?

Yes, I'm crowd sourcing sales of Steem as a good home to all the minnows. I'm willing to pay you 50-200 steem if you line up someone with 100k-1M youtube subs to come on the minnow mayor town hall, or any of the youtube forums I'm gonna run. So, yeah. Minnows can get in on this action too. Just start bugging people to come to Steem, point them to that discord and tell them to talk to aggroed and if we make it all work out I'll give them and you some Steem.

The forum is my big one. It's gonna run on January 13th from 11am to 1pm (starts 1600 UTC). The real payout is to get them there, so that's you're ultimate goal.

This is part of my witness goals

The Charter of the Minnow Support Project is to Spread the values of Peace, Abundance, and Liberty, grow the Steem ecosystem, and train and retain minnows on the platform. Bringing YouTube Channels here helps with growing the Steem ecosystem and the help I'm offering them should help train and retain them and their audience. This is the work I'm doing for the platform right now to pour some gasoline on the Steem fire. Please vote my witness if you think this will help.

There are 2 pages

Great. I think steem definitely deserves some gasoline on top of its fire because it's definitely undervalued. This is good for us, for youtubers, and for the world.

heloo steemer! am new here. Its nice to see you.
my name is @nosheensarfraz.
please welcome me and follow me
and don't forget to upvoke. remember me in prayers :) your prayers can change luck of mine

We have developed a system to allow steemit users to propogate content from steemit to other social media sites automatically detailed post summaries and formatting.

One of our founders @dakotakaiser has sent you a message on discord @aggroed about this and our DAO tools.

Please get back to him when you can (:

heloo steemer! am new here. Its nice to see you.
my name is @nosheensarfraz.
please welcome me and follow me
and don't forget to upvoke. remember me in prayers :) your prayers can change luck of mine

Where is this system? I could write you a webapp where the web app calls your tool when it gets paid by the user. Hmm.. also I have a lot on my plate.

Alright-- I have 15k subs over on YouTube.

I'm not as big as you are looking for in your article, but I know how to produce some video!!

I am new-ish on Steemit and trying to grow it. I would love to know what you have in mind for the 10k subscriber YouTubers!!

I don't know yet, but come talk to me Sunday night from 8-11pm. We're in

@aggroed want to build an Youtube Empire check my Blog.
You will be able to rank 3.4 Million YouTube Videos within short time

heloo steemer! am new here. Its nice to see you.
my name is @nosheensarfraz.
please welcome me and follow me
and don't forget to upvoke. remember me in prayers :) your prayers can change luck of mine

this is interesting. you always make a project that can burn the spirit for many people. your idea is very brilliant in developing steemit. for me now steemit is a window to the future of world economy. thanks for information sir. i like you

I'm a Youtuber with an audience of 70,000 plus subscribers so I'm not the biggest but decent sized audience. I've been on Steemit since around June.

I've made some videos about Steemit and encouraged my audience to join on and a few are still on here like @mitchyboy and some others, many people came on and left kind of frustrated with the platform and that's somewhat understandable. It can be really hard to get traction on here. I've been on here consistantly posting, and while I could be a bit more active in the community and contests and stuff I've been pretty consistantly on here and havn't really seen a ton of growth so it is tough.

That said I do enjoy this platform and will be sticking around.

Come find me in Discord. Go here and it will direct you

How do we find you on Discord? Can find you.

Many YouTube-stars today become Steemit users

nice post.

The Minnow Support Group sound amazing! I'll check it out right away, thanks for the info!

hilarious- as a youtuber with 2000 subs and 40000 views , i can tell you it is very hard to get support for original music here and people would rather read about Bitcoin or Steem. The busking competition for playing songs on steemit ignores people who produce and release music onto Youtube and Itunes. I referred some great musicians here and they left after finding it too hard to earn anything significant, and seeing the type of content that whales upvote leaves us confused. No worries , i love steemit but i think focus on youtubers with 100000 subs and above is ignoring the thousands of musicians who produce original content and have around 1000 or more subs. I want to see steemit grow and it will when the rewards system is improved and there is some type of steemit support for resolving issues for users. Maybe whales should adopt and support people with thousands of people in there twitter facebook and youtube networks. I have 40000 on twitter 5000 on facebook and 2000 on youtube and got ignored here if i posted art or music.

It would be similar if you join any new platform. You can post also to YouTube, and say vimeo, and the many others out there. I find it frustrating that I need to go to YouTube for many of the video channels I enjoy. People are creatures of habit . it's going to take a long time to migrate them from YouTube to other platforms.

It's not only the viewers of YouTube videos but also the producers that are stuck in their habits. So, they stay on YouTube in spite of dropping rewards. The bitcoiners that bought into Bitcoin saved early benefited the most. Get into Steemit now and you will benefit more.

What happens on YouTube should be a wake-up call to all YouTubers that they ought to build their audiences on as many platforms as possible to remove the single point of failure problem. Get on viewster, vimeo, videojug and Continue posting to YouTube as well but give your viewers options of where to view your content.

Here are my channel links--


Youtubers bring a lot of valie to steem!

Highly anticipated - exponential growth opportunity for STEEM and MSP.
Congrats to 6,000 MSP/ members and rising.

You bring a lot of really good points to the table. I'll share this with a student of mine who has a big YT following and a Steemit account that she never used.

You mention Dtube and Dsound , and I haven't personally tried them yet because I heard that the blockchain may not be able to handle streaming video that well. Is this true, or are there just some kinks to work out?

Pretty much any time I watched a video on dtube, the video suffered major buffering at some point >_<

Ya, that's what I've heard as well. I think if a workaround can be achieved, there's great potential here.

Well, Ausbitbank and I are working on antoher dtube server. Gonna try to help improve the process.

That would be awesome!. If you need beta testers, let me know! :)

One of the main issues - probably more important that the server is also video conversion/compression. If you upload a 2.5 GB video to YouTube then You-tube has massive server farms that will crunch the fxxx out of it and create multiple resolution playback, so that you get that sweet almost instant playback on any device from a mobile phone up to a desktop computer.

So one of the problems you are going to have isn't just the server issue, it's about educating people to encode their videos properly upfront unless there's some way a blockchain could scale video compression as some kind of proof of work algorythm for miners.

I just don't see how you could match YouTube's resources for compression. That's the problem for us with watching DTube in Australia ie. it just doesn't play and it would be a lot better to see a lower res version of the film playing, than a hi-res version that only plays a couple of frames. People wont adopt Dtube En-Masse until the playback rates are fast.

Currently some Dtube videos run fine and some don't which is all about the file size that the uploader put up.

So instead of trying to match You Tube's compression/conversion abilities instead why not just make it so you can only upload videos already converted to MP4 at whatever exact encoding Kpbs rate gives the smoothest Dtube Playback. It would be far easier to adopt one standard for uploading for now, than to try and fix the problem just by increasing server abilities.

3 years from now when Dtube has massive resources and there are massive blockchain servers that can crunch encode any file size like YouTube has in near realtime then this won't be an issue, but for now putting a limitation across all Dtube uploads so that Dtube only take files that play smoothly would greatly increase the user experience.

It sounds exciting. Youtube drives me crazy wth those ads. It’s no surprise. It’s Google and everything must be monetized for the “greater good”. I have not explored video too much here. Are videos permanent on the block chain or are they off the block chain? I had read a post by @alxgraham the other day and he seemed to say his video on dmania was not permanent. There should be an archive of videos as there are with posts.

I think this is a great idea. DTube is a huge opportunity to grow Steem and our user base.

If you look at something like LBRY with its 80m market cap, we have a better version here already. The value of all Steem platforms combined is really potentially huge!

Some real hard work to shift famous youtube personalities. Steem has some advantages over youtube due to its earning potential, next generation social media like dtube totally add free and some honest helpers willing to cooperate for collective success.

You made me called out mr.Muselk to join steemit. :/ I hope he will respond.

Fantastic plan, I’m fairly new, but I’m fully invested in this platform. I am going to try to reach out to a couple people in Instagram. It will be great to win them over.

They can count too.

These are all fair points, YT's user enjoyment went down when they got greedy with aggressive ads that you can't skip, and same ones popping in in the middle of the video.. I can't talk about the other side of youtube, the creator one because I always found it to be too much stupid shit, with minecraft videos of 20 milion views and a tutorial to do something yourself instead paying someone to do it for you maybe couple of thousand views.. I hope dtube is gonna explode, I just have to figure out how to edit videos and I'm definitely joining the action. :D

Hi @aggroed my wife Chrissy (@paperkawaii) has a really large and rapid fan base of followers on Youtube etc. Her You Tube Channel Paper Kawaii has around 320,000 active subscribers and she's made over 300 unique origami Video tutorials. (Some classic Origami but mostly new content). Currently the Paper Kawaii You Tube Channel has more than 47 million views and it's been growing exponentially.

She has a lot of other followers also spread out across the likes of Instagram, Pinterest etc. These are very active and engaged followers. She also has a Discord channel with a ton of active followers.

Whenever you type Origami related search terms into Google her films always appear near or at the top of the search results. We had a massive dip during Adpocalypse but Google loves her content so her channel survived it. Even without the Social Media and YouTube the Paperkawaii website itself gets very large daily volumes of traffic and she also has a ton (18K and rising) of subscribers to her Origami Newsletters.

Chrissy produces 3-4 full YouTube Origami films a week and she used to be the main Origami contributor for but she stopped that because she didn't have time. She's incredibly focused on Origami based content. Aside from doing the films she does really beautiful step by step instructional PDF's in Illustrator of all the steps in creating Origami and they are really cool and also insanely detailed and very clearly presented (so easy to follow and understand). You can see the illustrative style here:

I really want Chrissy to bring her content to Steemit and I'm sure she could bring a huge number of her existing followers and subscribers with her which would benefit the Arts Community on Steemit as a whole. It's not the Crypto or Finance crowd, more Arts and Crafts and Origami enthusiasts but I think both she and Steemit would really get on, and the benefit would be hundreds of great written and illustrated Origami tutorials and Origami video tutorials being brought onto Steemit as good creative content that is also very Google friendly in terms of search and which could be promoted across millions of YouTube views on her existing Channels and Social Media.

Would you be interested in having a chat with her on Discord? I've been trying to convince her to take a few week out and just start out on Steemit and having someone (other than me) to explain the benefits and the best strategy for transitioning the content would be great. I nearly got her a month back to start uploading to DTube but we live in Australia and we were having problems watching any content on DTube, and our upload speeds where we are are very slow and she struggles getting her existing rota uploaded you YouTube as it is every week. We're moving onto an NBN connection next week so our upload speed should treble according to Iinet so this could be really good timing.

Thank you for what you are doing with this initiative, and for everything you are doing for the Steemit Community with this and the PAL initiatives. I think it's the right thing for Steemit to have a liason to help existing YouTubers with large channels and fan bases to get over some of their reservations or misunderstandings of how to integrate what they already do but on Steemit instead. Steemit can seem unnecessarily complicated to new adopters of the platform.

Regardless of this have a Happy Xmas and a wonderful 2018!

Yes 100%. Let's make this happen. Let's talk through (our discord link). We can try to get her on a show on Sunday Jan 7th just to say hi and meet. But let's also aim to get her on a Youtube forum I'm doing on Jan 13th.

Hi @aggroed, that's awesome, thank you so much! I'll let Chrissy know and she'll get in touch tomorrow evening through the minnow pond Discord. That's really exciting - hopefully she can take a couple of weeks off from YouTube and just focus on getting content onto Steemit so hopefully after chatting with you and by Jan 7th her Steemit page will have started in earnest.

This is such a great community, you'd never find this level of feedback and helpfulness from others on YouTube or Facebook. I think Steemit will be in the top 100 websites by the end of 2018, once smart media tokens are adopted in earnest.

Chrissy works flat out on her YouTube channel and for the level of views she gets and for the quality and volume of great content that Google/YouTube gets from her honestly the income she receives is very small per view compared to what most people believe. There's a common belief you get $1 on YouTube for every 1,000 views but I think it's a lot less than that. I'll put some figures together based on her real stats.

For your show what might be a really interesting angle is a direct comparison of payouts that content creators get on Steemit versus YouTube. For example I've done a few small posts on Steemit, not much yet, and even taking the Google myth that you get $1 per 1,000 views if I take an example of one of my posts which had only 125 Views it made around $23 dollars.

So Chrissy as a YouTube content creator gets maybe $1 for a 1,000 views, whereas myself as a Steemit Content Creator with almost no following can write a post and from only 125 views make $23 dollars. Then on top of that those Steemit earnings pay out half as SteemDollars and SBD's are actually worth between $9-$14 dollars on Bittrex based on fluctuations of the last few weeks.

So my payout on that post of 123 views was about $11.5 SteemDollars (SBD) and $11.5 SteemPower and the SteemDollars alone therefore are worth maybe $110 on the open market (Bittrex etc.) So my true payout for a post of 123 views if you take the SBD and the SteemPower combined would be worth probably around 10 x $23 (i.e $230). And that could be a lot more if Steem and SBD keeps rising on the open market which is likely to happen the more popular and widespread Steemit becomes.

I'm just putting this in perspective of what might entice YouTube creators to convert to Steemit. One of the things that put Chrissy off was she didn't understand how the seven day payout worked on Steemit and her concern was that it can take months for any of her films on YouTube to start to gain traction, so a seven day payout limit seems counter intuitive to any successful YouTube creator. But now that Smart Media Tokens are around the corner I think that's going to help a lot of YouTube creators see where the value is and how being able to issue their own token plus the extra audience contribution and participation will be of value.

One thing I'm trying to figure out is how Smart Media Tokens are going to work across Social Media. I haven't seen much info on how the Social Media integrations will work with Steemit and it's one of the factors that will help YouTube creators or Content Creators from other platforms feel comfortable on Steemit, - ie. if the Steemit wallet or SMT's have an ability to track and monetise interactions across various social media platforms. For example what ReddCoin is already doing.

I've been watching ReddCoin this week and it has a very interesting idea behind it about monetising all social media. The Reddcoin Wallet is almost a social media application in itself where you can monitor all your various social media feeds in the wallet. So in relation to Steemit's Smart Media tokens when that rolls out I hope the Steemit Wallet gets upgraded to also do something comparable to what ReddCoin is doing now. It would be really great, and a real enticement to YouTube creators etc. to adopt Steemit if Steemit's Smart Media Tokens also came with a wallet that could track their implementation across all forms of Social media.

@aggroed I support this vision totally! I’m all about increasing this community and engaging with everyone! This is definitely a post I can subscribe to! I’m personally in my early days on this platform as I joined yesterday but as I work in the area of blockchain technology, I’ll always be promoting the use of this to any and everyone I meet

No joke, the YouTube community is going through a turbulent time. You make a lot of great points, I'd love to see the creative community take off on this platform. It seems that over the last couple years the increased popularity of the YT platform has caused it to become a bit bloated, especially when it comes to new folks or people trying to get started with a project or company. Let's make it happen!

You're helping this platform greatly by doing this, drawing people here and helping them integrate themselves well.

I'm working towards point 1 - 5 and I can already tell that this has huge potential, more importantly it is such a nice surprise to find a platform that is basically everything that Google and YouTube fails to do. You mentioned in your post that Youtubers with 1M or more subs might not find steem suitable but in my opinion it totally depends on how many of those subscribers are actually still watching their videos (average views per video) and where those subscribers are based. Because if they are from certain countries (places with a lot of corruption) then this is exactly what they need. I was sick and tired of YouTube changing their algorithm to make the platform more profitable which makes it harder and harder for upcoming creators, especially outside the US. Anyways, great post!

Cool :) I did a 15 minute yoga video the other day from YouTube just to stretch out and right in the middle got another ad.. any idea how hard it is to hit the skip button from downward dog? Lol!!

You rock @aggroed !
And I supposed that you already have joined @heimindanger I think you should both collaborate. He ahas a plan :-) As you can imagine... ;-)
Youtubeurs are going to become Dtubers in 2018 :D I am 100% sure of that :-) ! Fingers cross !

A friend of mine from the silver community has recently made the transition over here @juniusmaltby he got the biggest silver channel around at 17k, I know it's a little low for what your looking for but that's the most influential YouTuber I know.

If we bring many small fish eventually the bigger will follow.. ;)

Steemit is best platform for monetize your content.
Steemit will sooner cross youtube in terms of traffic.

This is very cool! Plus many people are making more money here Dtube as opposed to YouTube.

Can plankton join the minnow support group? It's hard to level up when starting out.

Thanks for doing what you're doing! ✊✊✊

yeah, pop in.

This is cool but for an average guy as a minnow it is hard to invite a youtuber here.. If that youtuber doesn't know about crypto then it will add another conversation. Good thing you say something aboit pointing them to you. it will be easier for us then..

We just started out YouTube Channel and are so happy to be on steemit and dtube. We are looking forward to expanding more

Yes, I agree with you. :)

i would love to learn about Dtube, kindly if you may able to give me some info about it.
thanks in advance.

I have a channel on youtube but finding it difficult to operate it. Well i think i will get to learn alot from your post. Please follow and upvote my post @iloegbunamagnes

Okay think I understand what you are saying but how bring whales from one platform help new content creators on another. I think sometimes thing need to grow at their own pace. Just my option.

I hope these ideas, your research will take place.Everyone should support each other.Because the day we hand in hand we will gather the fruits of our studies to our minds that day...Steemit is working for the family, keep your gas full !!

heloo steemer! am new here. Its nice to see you.
my name is @nosheensarfraz.
please welcome me and follow me
and don't forget to upvoke. remember me in prayers :) your prayers can change luck of mine

I am one of those who came from YT and mostly repost my content here with little traction. Steemit doesn't interest non-creators, most creators find it too hard to understand and even harder to use for turning STEEM to USD, and whalers make a hundred time more without having to provide any content.

Yeah, it takes a bit to understand this place. Come find me in Discord at and let's talk it through.

is there a tag to use for discord?

Bringing youtube here is a great idea steemit will love it

Your timing is great. I just covered this topic last night on a few shows.
Now I've got the perfect post to gets some newbies even more excited.
Highly rEsteemed! Thank you.


Amazing post! I agree with you 100%.

heloo steemer! am new here. Its nice to see you.
my name is @nosheensarfraz.
please welcome me and follow me
and don't forget to upvoke. remember me in prayers :) your prayers can change luck of mine

I'll work on brining both T. Harv Ekr and Mike Maloney. They have massive following on YouTube. I'm building up my channel and my goal is to reach 10k during the first quarter of 2018. Thanks for sharing @aggroed

Sure. I'm happy to help them an you you on the platform if you have any luck.

heloo steemer! am new here. Its nice to see you.
my name is @nosheensarfraz.
please welcome me and follow me
and don't forget to upvoke. remember me in prayers :) your prayers can change luck of mine

Hello @nosheensarfraz nice to know you. I just followed you.

Hi, very new here but I hope to move my youTube channel to Steem very soon (once I figure out all the steps needed)
Thanks for your encouragement.
wishing you much peace,

Brief explanation...

heloo steemer! am new here. Its nice to see you.
my name is @nosheensarfraz.
please welcome me and follow me
and don't forget to upvoke. remember me in prayers :) your prayers can change luck of mine

If u r investing in stresss u failed steemit is best way of money earning but relaxation is requried must dear

This post has received a 25.00% upvote from @msp-bidbot thanks to: @aggroed. Delegate SP to this public bot and get paid daily: 50SP, 100SP, 250SP, 500SP, 1000SP, 5000SP Don't delegate so much that you have less than 50SP left on your account.

Can minnows ever grow big ? I've seen you conducting competitions, but will we ever reach the heights of @haejin who posts predictions and his post gets blasted with upvotes!
I'm amazed and saddened by the fact that he gets so much upvotes and most posts better than his go unnoticed!
Genuinely, I wanna make it on steemit, any help would be appreciated l!

I started here with nothing and no crypto experience 1.5 years ago. I think it can work just fine.

Sungguh mengharukan, semoga perjuangan mu tak ada sia-sia, postingan yang bermanfaat bagi kami...

heloo steemer! am new here. Its nice to see you.
my name is @nosheensarfraz.
please welcome me and follow me
and don't forget to upvoke. remember me in prayers :) your prayers can change luck of mine

sure this will greatly bust the image of steem

Dtube or something like it will soon replace Youtube, there is no need for a third party like Google to earn profits.

You got a 14.28% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @aggroed!

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