Well said Sir! I agree that college is not a necessity in this new era we find ourselves rushing into.
I'm 30 and knew I wanted to work in Hollywood at the age of 15. I also knew that I could just move out there and learn on my own without the aid of higher education, however our generation still had us thinking that college was the better option so I chose to go to a 4 year college...
I did one year and said this was a waste of my time, why would I spend 2 years on shit gen ed classes taught by teachers that gave zero shits about who was even in their class?! I learned more in high school than I did that first year of college. Buuut, instead of moving out to Hollywood, I still felt I needed a higher education learning so I moved all the way to Florida and went to Film School.
It was an exciting 2 years filled with partying, frolicking about and also learning about making movies. It taught us the basics, nothing too in depth, but I'm grateful. I'm grateful for the experience it gave me on being a young adult on my own and learning how to network with others in my career.
After school I moved to Hollywood, jobless and in some major debt from good ol Sallie Mae. Still had much to learn in the field that school never taught me, but it gave me a nice network of Alumni to start my career with. I think without it I would have spent the same about of time trying to make a name for myself as a quiet shy little 18 year old. This way, I had built myself some personality and friends.
Do I think kids need college? Not really, unless you want to be a doctor or engineer and all other technical fields. Did it help me? Yes. Was it worth the 12% interest rates I got stuck with for the past 7 years on my loans? Hellllllll no!
Sallie Mae (or rather Navient now) need to be phased out. I don't have any SALT coins yet, but I rather like their business platform of loans without credit checks, all you need is to let them hold your coins. Because what 18 year old has good credit?! And no one tells you what you're signing up for and how much you'll be responsible for after you graduate. My minimum monthly payments were $1,300/month and I never missed one. WHAT?!? I really hope SALT and Blockchains kill the traditional loan system and the big con companies like Navient.
I got a little off topic, my apologies. Thank you!!! I now know what I'd like to make my first blog on...Student Loans. Been trying to think of what to actually post on Steemit. Lol
In regards to the internet and self learning. It is entirely possible as long as you're motivated and focused. You can have all the time in the world and still end up sitting on your computer watching cat videos all day and getting stuck in a clickbate black hole. There's soooo much content on the internet nowadays too and I feel that it's a little less honest than it was 5-10 years ago. And everyone has their own opinion. Trying to do research can be time consuming sifting through all the different views. It's overwhelming. But that's the age we live in now. Hell, that's what this site is about right? Social media fascinates and terrifies me. There's a fine line between inciting awareness to the masses by voicing your opinion....and straight up vanity and bs. Sorting through it is a pain in the ass. Haha.