10 thoughts about Steemit

in #steem9 years ago

 1) Steemit is what everybody feels in their gut is right, in terms of getting rewarded for the content they create. It’s a paradigm shift to the right direction. 

 2) My serial-time (let’s say 5-6-10 hours consecutive use) spent on steemit far exceeds the time serially-spent on other social networks. It’s kind of addictive. I’m not surprised that stats shown in some articles indicate a far larger time spent per user compared to other sites. 

 3) Due to the paradigm-shift experience, I suddenly find myself appreciate more the content I provide on other platforms (from forums to social networks). Something like “is anybody paying me? No… Ok then my time is better spent elsewhere”. You can’t go back from that. It’s a new realization in valuing your own time and content. 

 4) Due to the experience of (3) my time in other platforms has gone down significantly and I’m thinking that as new users get acquainted with steemit they may find it hard to “go back” to old habits involving forums, reddit, social networks, etc. 

 5) Since the content is currently not sub-categorized with things like sub-reddits, I’ve immersed in content that I would not otherwise read – and in many cases I gained something from it. If the content was specialized I know for a fact that I wouldn’t read some of the current content. As we go forward we’ll see more content and the need to classify content in group will be stronger. In these groups a natural order of good content will arise, among each content group. 

 6) I get the genuine feeling that this is something that could be revolutionary, if it manages to become even more UI-friendly and solves some of its issues. 

 7) If steemit gains traction (adoption by millions of users), it will be something that will have a huge positive boost for the cryptocurrency movement. 

 8) The blurring of blockchain, cryptocurrency and content, makes a positive use case for cryptocurrency. By trying to control cryptocurrency, governments will seem illegitimate in trying to control people’s freedom of speech and expression – because now steem is a “positive” app built on a blockchain and intertwined with cryptocurrency. Money-laundering, terrorism, crime and other excuses will be seen precisely as ...excuses. 

 9) From a cryptocurrency investment standpoint, for one thing I am certain: That steemit is worth it way more than ETH. Whether this will be reflected or not in their respective marketcaps, or when it will happen, I don't know.

 10) ...I’m going to steem some more now...


bro, please tell me how you so you cut the money ? I can not even earn a dollar fine ( (

It only got 3 cents

Well, for what you have others who will receive $ 300

I guess I was more lucky with the others