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RE: Dan needs to be stopped

in #steem8 years ago

Damn dude. @anyx already addressed this in his thread here :

I understand that more exposure is good but simply creating a another post with a picture of Hitler will only split the attention of the user base into multiple threads and push both you guys further down the trending page.

I'm in no way suggesting you did this to intentionally split the user base or to rack up your own author rewards by creating a new post. But @anyx was the OP to originally start a thread regarding this issue with both suggestions and comments on how to deal with it rather than simply rabble rousing and tugging at the user base's guttural reaction mechanism. I understand doing so can help create a powerful knee jerk reaction, but the post made @anyx was to help construct a better solution, not to raise an army wielding torches & pitchforks.

@dantheman even upvoted @anyx's post but downvoted this one because his suggestion of voter nullification was partially to try and curb this type of reward hunting through reposting of someone else's content in a more inflammatory way to gain attention and grab a piece of the author rewards...

Whether you intended it or not this type of post just furthers a mob mentality of "lets burn him in effigy!" Instead of supporting @anyx's original thread (that rather than rabble rousing) actually started a whole comment section on constructive criticisms and alternate suggestions.

FYI if anyone cares to check Github the new voter nullification changes were recently tabled for those who want to help construct a better system rather than just burn this one to the ground so to speak.

In either case, I'm upvoting and bumping this thread further, not because I support it's message but instead to help raise awareness of the proposed changes. Make no mistake, I do NOT in anyway support destructive rabble rousing for the sake of drawing attention. I support Construction as a method of resolution not Destruction. Let's not further the divide between the Devs and the User Base while Steemit is still in it's infancy. If that happens nobody wins.

When one uses a mob mentality to stifle further development of a new platform, everyone becomes a loser. A new platform is that much more likely to be destroyed when divisions are caused by creating an US vs. THEM no win scenario. If you don't believe me, just look at what happened to the Ethereum Foundation and their platform. I sincerely hope that @dan and @ned realize that they're currently facing a very similar situation with this very issue.


either of us made a post. We posted on similar but different topics, mine being more broad, this focused more on the github issue. I actually link to this post, in my post, since he posted this first. :)To clarify: @bacchist and I, and many others, were discussing this in before

@anyx & @bacchist I'm sorry that would be my mistake then. I simply saw a cogent argument with a picture of Greek Masks, and another with a picture of Hitler. I had no idea there was an actual discussion that took place before hand in Steemit chat. I apologize to both of you for any confusion on my part and am sincerely sorry for jumping to an unfounded conclusion.

I do still however, stand very much steadfast in my views of rabble rousing a mob to further draw attention to an issue. I've always favored constructive criticism in favor of destructive criticism and I feel that comparing anyone to Hitler over a platform's politics is simply uncalled for. We're talking about a social media platform here, not mass genocide.

I guess when it comes to social media, as long as it draws a crowd, then a post has served its purpose. Whether it is for better or for worse doesn't really seem to matter on social media because a crowd is still a crowd none the less, even in cyberspace.