HF20 Testnet
My public testnet has been updated to run 20.2 (testnet patches here) and the hardfork has already been applied.
The account creation tool has been updated to use resource credits as well and it works as usual, just post your desired username and password to https://testnet.steem.vc/create
http post https://testnet.steem.vc/create username=foobar password=hunter1
The chain had to be reset due to an inadvertent consensus change that was a result of my hack to create an initial SBD supply on the testnet and some changes that was introduced in appbase related to price feed calculations.
dsteem 0.10
dsteem version 0.10 has been published on npm and should be fully compatible with AppBase and HF20
I'm also in the process of getting the testnet condenser over at https://condenser.steem.vc running again.
Happy hardfork!
Thanks for dsteem update Johan!
I've published an updated version of dsteem-fallback library which uses dsteem 0.10.0 as a base: https://github.com/thesweatshop/dsteem-fallback
Thank you!
Hey Johan, thanks for your work!
Do you consider enabling history_api on your testnet? I'm getting "Assert Exception:_account_history_api: account_history_api_plugin not enabled." while trying to get history.
Hey, Thanks for the great work!
When do you think the testnet condenser will be up and running again?
Is it just me or is it down ? Unable to /create or connect to testnet - getting 504
what an amazing place this is! Just amazing.