this is disconcerting, to say the least. I remember a whale war last summer-ish I think? - didn't understand it then ..still don't get it now. But $teem was much lower than and the platform had a smaller population.
I hoped with the growth of the platform, workable proof that there's plenty to go around and plenty more to be mined that the whales might calm down a bit.
It's sad - I have a lot of faith in Steemit and there are so many good people here but to see the corruption and greed slime its way through the cracks and up the ranks... and I HATE saying "that was bound to happen" because I thought this platform may be different.
If you do find a new Utopian-ish platform where honest people make great pay for great work, share in their rewards/success and promote new, "lower class" people to grow their own sustainable life - then I'm in!
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