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RE: Witnesses meeting with Tron Representative Roy Liu (Full Recording + Context)

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

Okay, but to my thinking, this brings up another issue...Why do you think Ned sold to someone/s who don't value the concept of decentralization and apparently; in fact, seem to have the exact opposite stance on governance?
If I owned a blockchain and set it up in a decentralized manner what would compel me to sell it to a centralized authoritarian actor?


I am not Ned's brain. I could try to be Ned's brain. Unfortunately, every time I make an attempt:

NoNamesLeftToUse - Simple Diagram.jpeg

...that's all I can come up with.

I'll answer my own question: if I owned a company built upon a high-regard for decentralization and wanted to sell it (for whatever reason) I would have insisted on a clause that made sure the new owner also was committed to a decentralized operation. It's like selling a house that you love and you don't want it torn down and turned into condos so you find a buyer who values what you value...

Sentimental value and money are two different things.

as someone that 'didn't go with the flow' and found out what it means to 'piss off the system' ..

i can tell you those 'authoritarian actors' already exist here. berniesanders is one. he silences and basically kicks people off here that he doesn't like.

he doesn't like people with certain opinions.

i'd wager a pretty accurate guess that he is in on it.

anyway.. the war to compromise the blockchain has been going on a long time. it started with the bots..

Did you know that steemit started off requiring proof of brain?

they changed that not long ago tho.. but they allowed it long before they changed it.. and i later heard berniesanders had influence with ned. what a bunch of shit.

the bots gave them more power than the users as it was a centeralized power that just continues to grow. (they make more than they give)

but.. that doesn't erase things from the block chain.. true censorship isn't possible.

this is a grab for total, complete.. censorship.