The Challenge of the knight: The confilct

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Ours is the capacity to generate conflict. Ours is the capacity to overcome them.

I respond to your challenge brave knight with great pride to contribute something to the church, although I am not prepared to be part of it, to help the brothers in the crusade is something that fills me with joy.

Leaving behind the knight's jargon I explain that @SirKnight has challenged me to answer, in my humble opinion, a series of questions that I will show you next. I will repeat a phrase from my last post where I talk about the church for the first time.

Oh great lord who illuminates us with with good rewards, give me strength so that my criticism is not harsh but rather fair. Brothers of celestial weapons do not look at me badly.

The conflict between religions is something that has happened during a great part or almost all our history, defining it and causing division among those who live in the present. As you read this post brother of celestial weapons, the conflict is happening, within a battlefield, street, community or person. We are prisoners of history and our education that brings us to some side of this and makes us look badly on the opposite sides, without understanding that we are all part of one side.

Religion is the escape of many people to the evil that exists in the world but this is also used by the evildoers to manipulate those souls who only seek peace, making the word dirty to fulfill their objectives. It is also true that when the time comes, the position of each group that starts or tries to stop a conflict starts from "good versus evil" which creates an endless game of perspectives that in the end only reach a common point, the confrontation.

The truth is relative and we only own our truth.

Let's start trying to answer the good @SirKnight questions.

Who would ultimately benefit from the conflict?

The conflict between Muslims / Islam and Catholics / Christians has led to many confrontations where the peons are convinced that they do good are those who lose their lives fighting.

Benefited there are many, even the same pawns who fought and survived have either economic or honor benefits. In the case of the crusades here I leave the benefit that these campaigns left for the church and countries:

They demonstrated the religious unity of the West and the power of the Church.

The crusades weakened the feudal lords; many lost their lives or were left in the East; others became impoverished by the sale of their lands; In addition, the prolonged absence prevented them from monitoring their rights. The kings seized the vacant fiefs and tenaciously reduced the privileges of the lords. On the other hand, the serfs and vassals reached their freedom in exchange for money. The cities and the bourgeoisie benefited from the profits provided by the supply, the transport of the armies and the increase of traffic with the East. The French, the main participants in the Crusades, enjoyed an influence in Eastern countries that reached the contemporary era.
New crops and manufacturing processes taken from the Muslim peoples were introduced in the West. Trade, especially maritime, acquired more momentum. The ports of Genoa, Venice, Amalfi, Marseille and Barcelona were the most favored.

Culturally: Arab and Byzantine art and science improved Western culture; the customs underwent sensible changes and the way of life became less rude.

Currently those who benefit from the conflict are mainly businessmen whose product is military, also preachers who seek to radically bring more followers using the situation as an advantage.

In my opinion, the strongest slalom of the chain always benefits, which with its movement makes others move and creates the necessary tension to achieve its objectives.

In these more globalized times we have the opportunity to be part of a chain that does not restrict and oppress but help and benefit those who believe in it, this chain is the blockchain, one more step in the journey to true freedom , we must defend this idea of ​​leaders who do not understand that it is time to change for good, that is why this church is one of the stones in the construction of a new future and we are the ones who must put it in the right place.

What role did they play manipulation of said conflict?

The church wanted to demonstrate its influence on Europe and its power of military convocation, the Muslims expand their territories. Currently, terrorism by the "Muslims" terrifies the whole world but the church does not confront these acts military or calling for confrontation, since the countries are the ones that watch over the security of their people and their allies. War has changed

How was conflict resolved?

Really, the conflict beyond finishing has increased in some parts of the world, with all this ISIS problem, terrorism and media manipulation has been building a bad image of Islam (which is very similar to the Catholic / Christian religion) damaging Many human beings who, although they do not share our exact beliefs, are our brothers.

It is in us to find a truth that saves us and saves our brothers, we must sharpen our eyes and not let them manipulate us so easily, inquire and find the true meaning of things.

Brothers, I am just a server that will eventually help your cause, thanks to the good @SirKnight for the challenge, I hope my answers are adequate, if not, I hope to have the help of the order of celestial warriors to clarify with your opinion.

You have benefited me and I am grateful for that.
Follow your path of success @sirknight remember that the only way for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. (God I still love talking like that)


Your answers are more than adequate Andy - a well thought out and presented post.

Hopefully we will see more of your great work here at SteemChurch.

Upvoted and resteemed.


It will be a pleasure SirKnight

In these more globalized times we have the opportunity to be part of a chain that does not restrict and oppress but help and benefit those who believe in it, this chain is the blockchain, one more step in the journey to true freedom , we must defend this idea of ​​leaders who do not understand that it is time to change for good, that is why this church is one of the stones in the construction of a new future and we are the ones who must put it in the right place.

This is absolutely magnificient
I truly appreciate your choice of words and how you have come to totally understand the missions and visions of the church
Incredible post

good brother

A good analysis you have used brother, we can not stand idly by while the evil advances on a large scale, we have to put on the spiritual weapons of war like the ones Jesus used, he was surrounded by a totalitarian society, on the one hand the Roman Empire, on the other the Greek intellectualism and finally a religious elite that cared more for clean utensils than human need itself.

This was a good read.
I agree with this statement,

The truth is relative and we only know own our truth.
Everyone believes his own way of life is the truth, this makes living in harmony difficult. Because what you do may be different from what is acceptable in my own religion.

right, there is an absolute truth: Jesus "I am the way of truth and life" John 14: 6 blessings brother

Well detailed write up, thumb up and hope to see more of this in the steemchurch

This writeup is very detailed.
And awesome.
I enjoyed it @andyartland

Great work mate! keep up.
@steemchurch & @Sirknight

Your support is apreciated, God bless you and the rewars for every one my brother.

It is a true friend conflicts and confrontations are everywhere even in the churches, but we have to know how to handle those situations because otherwise we will never be at peace anywhere. Blessings and thanks for sharing it very well

We must really Sharpen eyes, so that they will not manipulate us, Great post from insightful man

Thanks for your kind response.

Sometimes this conflict is scary but we have to remember who we are as christains and stay strong.

I like it....your post dear 👌👌👌👌👌
very good job dear @andyartland I @resteemed your post dear

awesome post