HF20 And SteemFriends [Eng] or HF20 dan Teman-Teman Steem [Ina]

in #steem6 years ago (edited)


Intro : About A Friend and Mana

Well, there's a steemian I know, whose nicknamed himself as @mango-juice. He is from India. He joined steem last August. Yes, he is still so very young on the platform. I knew him from @neoxian's server some weeks ago.

@mango-juice stats reported by GINAbot.

@mango-juice came to steem with a happy heart and good expectations. Unfortunately, not long after he joined, when he started to feel the "SteemJoy", the troublesome HF20 took place. Before HF20, I had chatted him. We talked about his plan to hold a writing contest. Since he is still so young and weak, he asked me to contribute by being a prize sponsor, I said yes.

A couple days after the HF20, I sent him a Direct Message asking about the progress of the plan, just to see how HF20 has killed his spirit. He has also written an article about it here. I knew the spirit is not dead, but it had been damaged on some levels, I think. @mango-juice has not been the only one that I know so far who has lost their portion of spirit after getting struck by the typhoon HF20. I understand this a little: when you have some plans written down on your schedule, then something comes in the way and takes away a lot portion of your power to execute those plans -by any reasons-, you will surely feel a bit of emptiness, a powerlessness.

I myself had been in similar situation during my first months on Steem Blockchain. I felt terribly bad when the old Bandwidth struck, while I was having some articles and comments to post. I wrote an article about it entitles Bandwidth Limit Exceeded: Belum Ada Jawaban which was published 8 months ago.

Has Steem management done something wrong with HF20? I'm no expert to answer such question. I am no blockchain expert. In fact, I know almost nothing about blockchain, especially Steem. But, I hope that this Mana thing which has been a disaster not only to a plankton like me, is temporary. Today, Monday (October 8th), this HF20 is 2 weeks old. I can see that the discussion frequency about Mana on Discord servers has reduced drastically the last few days, but has not totally gone, and the impact it brought to steemians -especially the weak ones- is one important thing to think about. "Easy." Said someone on a server, "We had lot worse time than this. Do you remember HF19? Do you remember steem first year when we had to have 18 Hardforks?"

Okay. I am not making any complaints due to the lack of my knowledge about Steem and Blockchain and Steem Blockchain and related things. All wiser and smarter people have talked, delivered their complaints, bringing up suggestions and ideas. I believe, through times -if it has not come yet-, people will get wiser, things will settle.

In The Meantime

In the meantime, we can readjust our plan on the Steem Blockchain. I have planned my post-hf20 moves before it even happened. I have a little knowledge which I have gained, that when a Hardfork is in progress, the Blockchain will become unstable for some times. It could take a few days up to two weeks. So, before the HF20, I made up my mind that I will wait for at least a week after it, before I post my first Steem article. And I knew there would be a new resources allocation system brought by HF20. "Okay," said I to myself, "I will see and learn." I had my fair share of experience with the old Bandwidth, months ago.

But, I didn't wait a week. I posted my very first Steem article to my Steemblog on Wednesday (September 26th), only about 25 hours after HF20 started taking place. I also did some votes that night. The first problem related to HF20 that I faced was when I tried to edit my article, I saw that my Mana has dropped to a level which was impossible to perform such action. "Alright! Class begins! Lesson One is here!"

My second post-HF20 article made it's appearance on September 30th, four days since the previous one. Actually it was not because I had nothing to post, I was giving me and my Mana a little rest, as the rumour had it that the Mana on VP and RC would recharge to 100% in five inactive days. I found, there was almost nothing happened on Steem Blockchain during those earlier days of HF20. The pool was so quiet. Strange indeed. Maybe all the fish was exhausted. I spent those time to read chats on several servers, tried to gain more knowledge about Steem, Blockchain, Steem Blockchain, and related topics.

Since September 30th until today, I have been posting in one-post-per-day rate. Everything seems to have come to normal to me since that day. I can make post every day. I also reactivated my autovote and my participation in two curation trails. And everytime I checked my power, I saw both Mana level on VP and RC were on save level. How is this possible? Okay. I have now a 268 SP. 75 of it is delegated by @paulag as the prize for winning one of her leagues. I could loose this 75 SP this Friday, that coul happen. And I have lifted up my power by leasing in a 100 SP power from minnowbooster.net some days ago, it's only 2 STEEM for one month use. I guess it is worth it, I can enjoy my time posting, commenting, upvoting, resteeming, while making sure the upvotes give more love.

Below is the statistics of my current power which I have to refer to when I make my plans on Steem.

That's it. All the power I have gained all these times and the supports I have gotten. Steem is a cool games.

About @mango-juice, it is nice to know that the good @dynamicsteemians has delegated him some SP so he has more power now to swim the pool. In my bad days with Bandwidth months ago, I was getting help from @rayfa who delegated to me 20 SP and the delegation is still there until today. After HF20, @rayfa have also delegated a little power to a low level fellow steemian. This is what I learned from my experience with the old Bandwidth: in hard times, we surely need to be more tactical on planning our moves, and if we have enough to share, we can help our helpless fellows a bit.

It is a great thing to have a little support from the community. So through this article I want to also pay my tribute to these people who have continually contribute in my SteemJourney in their own ways:

Thanks, all. I still believe in Steem. I know you do, too.

Bahasa Indonesia

Intro : Di MANA Temanku?

Saya kenal seorang steemian dari India, nama akunnya @mango-juice. Dia bergabung ke Steem pada bulan Agustus lalu. Masih sangat "muda" dan lemah.

Statistik @mango-juice sebagaimana terlihat di laporan GINA.

Saat bergabung dengan platfotm Steem, @mango-juice memiliki harapan-harapan yang baik. Sayangnya, baru saja dia mulai menemukan iramanya di atas Steem Blockchain, HF20 datang. Sebelum HF20, saya telah berbincang-bincang dengannya via aplikasi perpesanan Discord, salah satu topiknya adalah rencananya untuk menggelar sebuah kontes menulis. Karena dia masih sangat lemah dan tidak memiliki bekal finansial memadai, dia meminta saya untuk membantu pendanaan kontes tersebut, saya katakan saya bersedia.

Dua hari setelah HF20 saya menghubunginya kembali via Discord untuk menanyakan kabar lanjutan dari rencananya. Dalam perbincangan ini terlihat bahwa HF20 telah menjatuhkan semangatnya. Dia bahkan telah menulis sebuah artikel tentang hal itu di sinj. @mango-juice bukanlah orang pertama dan satu-satunya yang saya temui kehilangan semangat karena HF20. Saya bisa memahami sedikit: ketika kita telah memiliki rangkaian rencana yang tersusun baik dalam daftar kegiatan, lalu sesuatu yang tidak kita harapkan datang dan merenggut kesempatan kita untuk mewujudkan rencana-rencana itu, ada perasaan tidak berdaya yang kosong yang hinggap di atas onggokan semangat kita.

Saya juga pernah mengalami hal serupa dengan Bandwidth pada bulan-bulan pertama saya di atas Steem Blockchain. Saat itu saya merasa sangat tidak enak dan ingin hengkang saja dari Steem Blockchain. "Tidak seindah katanya," pikir saya waktu itu. Saya bahkan telah menuliskan pengalaman saya itu dalam tulisan berjudul Bandwidth Limit Exceeded: Belum Ada Jawaban yang saya unggah pada 8 bulan lalu.

Apakah manajemen Steem telah melakukan sebuah kesalahan dengan HF20? Saya tidak memiliki kapasitas untuk mengupas hal ini. Saya tidak memiliki cukup pengetahuan tentang Steem, Blockchain, Steem Blockchain, dan hal-hal terkait. Tetapi saya sangat berharap bahwa masalah Mana yang telah menjadi "bencana" ini bisa segera berlalu. Hari ini, Senin 8 Oktober, HF20 genap berumur 2 minggu. Saya bisa melihat beberapa hari ini ada penurunan signifikan frekuensi perbincangan mengenai Mana di server-server yang saya ikuti, tetapi bukan berarti tidak ada lagi yang membicarakannya. Yang tetap menarik untuk diberi perhatian adalah pengaruh yang telah dibawanya terutama kepada steemian-steemian berkekuatan rendah yang juga memiliki kekuatan finansial rendah sehingga tidak bisa membeli STEEM dan melakukan Power Up. "Tenang," kata seseorang di sebuah server, "Ini bukan apa-apa. Kita pernah punya masa-masa yang jauh lebih berat dari ini. Apa kalian ingat HF20? Kalian ingat tahun pertama Steem di mana kita harus menghadapi 18 hardforks?"

Baiklah. Saya tidak akan lagi melakukan kritik lanjutan terhadap apa yang kita hadapi, terutama sekali karena pengetahuan saya yang sangat minim tentang Steem Blockchain dan hal-hal terkait. Orang-orang yang lebih bijak bestari telah angkat bicara, melakukan sanggahan-sanggahan, dan mempersembahkan saran-saran dan ide-ide. Saya percaya, seiring waktu (andai saat ini waktu itu belum tiba), orang-orang akan menjadi semakin bijak dan hal-hal yang menyusahkan akan berlalu.

Dalam Pada Itu

Dalam pada itu, kita bisa menyesuaikan ulang rencana-rencana kita di atas Steem Blockchain. Saya telah merencanakan kegiatan paska HF20 bahkan sebelum HF20 itu datang. Saya telah mendapat sedikit pengetahuan bahwa ketika sebuah Hardfork sedang dalam proses, maka Blockchain akan berada dalam keadaan tidak stabil untuk beberapa waktu, bisa mengambil waktu beberapa hari sampai dua minggu. Jadi, sebelum HF20, saya telah membuat sebuah rencana bahwa saya akan menunggu setidaknya setelah HF20 berumur satu minggu sebelum saya mengunggah artikel pertama saya paska HF20. Dan saya juga telah mendengar bahwa HF20 akan membawa suatu sistem alokasi sumber daya baru bernama Resource Credits. "Oke! Saya akan lihat dan mempelajarinya." Mungkin pengalaman saya dengan Bandwidth beberapa bulan lalu bisa membuat saya lebih bijak dalam menghadapi RC.

Nyatanya, saya tidak menunggu satu minggu. Artikel pertama saya paska HF20 meluncur kira-kira 25 jam setelah HF20 diluncurkan. Pada saat itu saya bahkan melakukan beberapa vote. Masalah pertama yang saya kesan terkait HF20 pada malam itu muncul ketika saya hendak mengedit tulisan tersebut. Pada saat itu saya melihat energi saya telah terkuras ke level di mana melakukan pengeditan adalah mustahil. "Baiklah! Kelas telah dimulai! Pelajaran pertama sudah datang!"

Artikel Steem ke dua saya paska HF20 hadir ke atas Steem Blockchain pada 30 September, empat hari setelah artikel sebelumnya. Bukan karena saya tidak memiliki bahan untuk saya unggah, tetapi saya memberi diri saya dan dan Mana sedikit waktu untuk beristirahat, sebagaimana berita yang beredar bahwa butuh 5 hari tanpa aktifitas agar Voting Power dan RC bisa mencapai kondisi maksimal 100%. Dalam hari-hari itu, saya hampir tidak melihat kegiatan berarti di atas Steem Blockchain. Kolam begitu tenang. Benar-benar aneh. Mungkin semua ikan sedang kelelahan dihempas badai HF20. Dalam waktu-waktu ini saya perbanyak membaca percakapan-percakapan di benerapa server, mencoba meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang Steem, Blockchain, Steem Blockchain, dan topik-topik terkait.

upvote, me-resteem, sambil memastikan bahwa vote saya bisa lebih terasa.Sejak 30 September, saya telah memposting tiap hari. Segalanya terlihat telah normal kembali sejak hari itu. Saya bisa mengunggah artikel setiap hari, mengaktifkan kembali autovote-ku, dan kesertaan saya di dalam dua jejak kurasi. Mana juga secara berkala saya pantau untuk memastikannya berada pada level aman. Apakah ini berhubungan dengan jumlah kekuatan saya saat ini? Baiklah, saat ini saya memiliki kekuatan efektif sebesar 268 SP. 75 SP adalah delegasi dari @paulag karena saya memenangkan salah satu liganya beberapa minggu lalu. Delegasi ini bisa saja dibatalkan pada Jumat ini. Untuk lebih bisa bernafas dengan lega, saya telah menyewa sebesar 100 SP seharga 2 STEEM untuk satu bulan pakai pada dua hari lalu. Saya rasa ini sebuah transaksi yang adil, saya bisa menikmati melakukan unggahan, mengomentari, melakukan

Di bawah ini adalah statistik kekuatan efektif saya saat ini yang tentu saja menjadi acuan kerja saya ketika membuat rencana-rencana di atas Steem Blockchain.

Itu dia. Kekuatan yang telah saya kumpulkan saat ini, termasuk dukungan temporer yang saya dapatkan. Steem adalah permainan yang menawan.

Mengenai @mango-juice, adalah sebuah berita gembira ketika mengetahui bahwa seorang Steemian yang baik hati, @dynamicsteemians telah mendelegasikan sejumlah SP kepadanya sehingga dia bisa berenang lebih leluasa di dalam kolam ini. Dalam hari-hari burukku menghjadapi Bandwidth, saya mendapat bantuan 20 SP dari @rayfa yang sampai sekarang masih di sana. Setelah HF20, @rayfa juga telah mendelegasikan sejumlah SP kepada seorang Steemian berkekuatan rendah. Saya telah pelajari bagian saya bersama Bandwidth: dalam masa-masa sulit, dengan kekuatan terbatas, kita harus pandai-pandai menyiasati keadaan. Dan jika memiliki kesempatan, saatnya menolong teman lemah yang potensial.

Adalah sesuatu yang sangat membantu jika bisa mendapat dukungan dari komunitas. Jadi, melalui artikel ini saya sekaligus ingin mengucapkan penghargaan yang mendalam kepada orang-orang yang selama ini telah secara terus menerus mendukung perjalanan saya di atas Steem Blockchain, dengan cara mereka masing-masing:


Terimakasih telah mengunjungi. Semoga ini berguna. Segala tanggapan, masukan, saran, kritik, bantahan, pelurusan informasi, dan sebagainya, akan sangat saya hargai.

Tulisan Terkait (Terbaru Paling Atas)

Inisiatif Arteem Discord
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Orang Indonesia

Tekan di sini untuk bergabung dengan server arTeem di Discord.


You write well boss, I hope @mango-juice get more help, thanks for the mention

One week period has passed. I am no longer your boss. 😀 Yeah, I hope so, too.

Wow @aneukpineung78 ! What you have done mate! You just made an enire post about me! I never thought that I would get this much love in this social platform. Seriously mate, I dont have any words to spare! Thank u so much mate for being there for me all the time!

Now, about the hf20 update problem, I do know that not only me, but thousands of other new comers and planktons are now facing a survival situation in steemit. If we can relate this situation with a war-zone, then RC (Resource Credit) is our new ammunition, which is very low in amount and not even nearly enough to protect our own ground. I do know that the war commenders have their own strategies and tons of ammunition loaded in their warehouses. They can save themselves from this one, But without us, the foot soldiers... Who else will fight for them?

winning a battle does not decide the fate of a war!

As a result, many of the new comers and low sp/mana holders are running away from the war or hopelessly surrendering themselves. There are now a bunch of other platforms who are providing more profits but with less headaches. Take whaleshares as an example. Many accounts are powering down and switching over towards it, Which is not a thing for steemit.
I, you and we all love steemit. We are family here. I realize that it's a community way better than facebook and instagram where we are actually doing something fruitful together. All we need is helping hands, supports and appreciation. I am not against hardfork ! Its an active solution for spamming and already proved itself as a med over spammy comments, phishing, shit posting and wallet spamming.

  • voting window drops ftom 30 mins to 15 mins,
  • we can now edit our posts which are even older than 7 days,
  • we dont have to wait 20 seconds for re-commenting,
  • delegation cooldown decreases from 7 days to 5 days...
    And also many more good effects ...
    But, nothing is perfect... And I realize that the only bad outcome of this precious update is having low amount of sp(steem power), which is affecting us.
    link . Without them, I would have give up by now. I believe those like me who are facing this issue ... Should receive help from the elders. I believe we all newcomers are the future of this crypto blockchain revolution, so we all deserve help at this moment, specially those who are hard working, dedicated and motivated towards steemit.
    Sorry! I think I have wrote a lot... I just wanted to share my thoughts with you guys. If you have some thing to tell or discuss.. Plz feel free and comment below!! I m waiting for your feedbacks.
    Stay well and keep posting!
    STEEM ON! Now, I would like to thank @dynamicsteemians who have surprized me with 30 sp delegation after reading my post which my friend has talked anout in the post. It is helping me a lot to continue my engazement in steemit. You can also join there. Here is their discord

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Cartoon man, buddy. I love the way you compared this situation we are facing to a war. I pretty much agree with you.

Yes, I know at least 2 people who have left Steem and join another platforms. That's a fact. I still believe in Steem and I can't bear losing another friends, but like you said, people can't bear facing more headache. When there are another platforms out there without having to deal with such problem, they will leave.

Yes. HF20 brings also so many improvements.

Post that article. Am waiting. 😀

thefreedomtobe and @julietisrael ?Hi @aneukpineung78, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I noticed that @thefreedomtrybe and @juliet-israel don't exist on Steem. Did you mean to write @

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TThanks, @cheky. Have updated. I do appreciate it. Upvoted.

Thanks for mention me.. that's all i can do, just a little thing :)

Giving a little when you don't have much, is big.

Omeeen... macam laporan witness😉 panjaaaangnya

Tumben komennya irit. 😀

Sudah "hangeup" baca postingan.. nggak sanggop pasang komentar lagi. Tapi boleh request? Jangan di mention sabee support tak seberapa mana itu.. nanti aja kalau udah sumbang besar2.. eehh blocktrades nyewain sp pake diskon 30% tuuh

Sidah miskin.

Mau ikut programnya simplymike udah tanggung 😂 suruh aja itu akun2 yg under 75 SP untuk daftar dan coba

Apa itu simplimike, di mana bisa baca.

Udah ketemu link nya? Ada siy aku resteem di blog ku kemarin. Pernah ikutan.. tapi tidak dimenangkan krn power up sendiri tiba2 meskipun masuk 5 besar liganya asher 😂 .. lumayan lah waktu itu dapat 50 Sp selama 2 bulan

Lanjutken perjuangan kita bung

Posted using Partiko Android

Bergabunglah ke server discord Inisiatif arTeem.

Awww! Thanks for the mention my brother from another mother. @mango-juice, I wish you all the best. You are doing so well for yourself

Thanks for dropping by, sis. 🐁🐁🐁

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thank you for mention me in your post. i like to be your friend.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks, @tfq86

you are most welcome brother

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Terimakasih sudah menandai saya, swmoga tulisan ini bisa menjadi pacuan semangat untuk our friend @mango-juice dan stemian lainnya.

Posted using Partiko Android

Semoga demikian.

@aneukpineung Posting Anda dipilih dan dipilih oleh proyek kurator @ pataty69 yang mencari imbalan yang unggul pada posting konten yang bagus yang dapat diikuti pada jejak saya di Steemauto.

Know my project: Curation @pataty69

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks, @pataty69. It is a great initiative. Appreciate it.

Pheeww!! That was a long nice post.

Thanks for the mention and keep on encouraging @mango-juice

Not that long, it's bilingual. 😀 Thanks for dropping by, Prayzz.



You just made me laugh real hard now.


I'mma have it printed on a TShirt. 😀

Go ahead.

You have my blessing 😂😂😂

Yes I'm blessed MOuSE.


Sebuah kebanggaan nama saya tercantum disini, terimakasih arteem, dan arteemians

Posted using Partiko Android

YYa bang @mahyailyas, terimakasih kembali.

Getting busy again...It's honor to have my name there. Remember to upvote at least $0.01 to others. Otherwise, it will return your rewards to the reward pool. All the best @aneukpineung78!

I didn't know about it. Thanks, Your Awesomeness. I think I need to review or cancel my autovote and my participation in curation trails. Hmm.