Thank you so much for the thorough response @nicniezgrublem!
I'm definitely someone who finds your project very exciting, and i expect a lot more people to be using it soon. Just thinking about all artists that can showcase all their art in this format is already a giving me a vision of the potential the Engrave has.
Regarding the communities, I think my understanding of it is still not fully formed as i haven't had the chance to play with all the settings yet. But just based on the sample site that you showed me, this idea of multy-user access is really what will make all the difference.
Of course this was my first time experiencing how engrave works and i hope i gave it a fair "first impression" review. I will definitely continue using it, I have still a lot more to explore! As a designer, I think that Engrave is one of the most visually pleasing presentation of steem content that I've seen.
So once again, congrats on the awesome initiative!