That Moment When Steem Is The Only Currency on Green...

in #steem6 years ago

Hi Everybody !

In the past weeks the prices of all cryptos pretty much collapsed. Something very unfortunate for all of us.

But it is at least funny to see how Steem actually remains as the only crypto on green arrows despite of all its reddish crypto-neighbors on the chart.

I honestly have no idea of why this is happening, but may be because of Ned's speech the past week about the modification of the reward system in Steemit. Which I honestly have no idea of the impact that it may have on the platform.

Although, I am a little bit scared of all this reddish activity on the world of cryptos lately. Nothing went as I expected. So I don't really know what to expect.

Captura de pantalla 2018-05-18 a la(s) 19.32.50.png

Althouhg if I would ask to Nic from the past he would probably convince me to wait until June due to the Cyclic behavior of the cryptos. We will see if I am right or the Nic from the past does =)

Thanks a lot for your support and I see you in the next one!

(All the images are my own creation and therefore I own their rights)


I always try to listen to the ideas of my fellow followers to improve my posts and to give something back to the community... therefor: What would you like the next posts to be about? What should I talk about? What kind of painting? Would you like some tutorials about arts, about cooking? Maybe some fresh gaming broadcast? I would love to know!

I apologize if I don't reply to your message. Sometimes I can't find enough time for it. But you can be sure that I will read it!



I think it's the fact that more people are enrolling with Steemit costing money now. And the people that were originally on Steemit have all their Steem Power and haven't powered down. I'm glad Ned is spreading the word! Probably not 1/100 random people you will talk to on the street will have heard about Steem!

With such a powerful platform, our currency is in deed about to launch for the stars and stay there as long as the world of cryptos will rise. It is funny how I came across your post just a few seconds after going on CoinMarketCap and realizing the same thing you are writing about! Timely post, I love synchronicities...

Namaste :)

Men i have Faith this plataform has to much left to grow It only takes more investor And this Will skyrocket the plataform its t solidaridad even It is in beta test thats why i use It.

STEEM currently has the best use case of any crypto! This is just the beginning!!

China ranking! See my most recent post on the news

It well could be.

It's overreaction. Bitcoin and crypto selloff causes people to panic at any news. In my stock trading life, I learned that this can cause people to lose lots of money very quickly. Buy some cryptos with blue chip status and hold.

Personally I think when the market starts to turn bullish steem is going to shoot up.

Hello, Nic! I do not even know what to think. Where can I read what Ned said?

I think btc will go up