Very well. I will take note to preface my critique with a proper greeting as is courteous to do. You're right about that.
I will work on that and hope you will likewise work on ensuring the things you contribute to Steem possess a value corresponding to the votes you have purchased.
One thing that will help you understand why I am as I am is that I refuse to buy votes for my contributions and work very hard on my contributions. My last one probably took around 4 hours to compose the post and ever greater time and effort was involving in the work around it such as troubleshooting and coding.
This is why, when I see a post such as yours that has the appearance that it could have been done in 10 minutes, it is beyond vexing to see that.
Also, your last post was essentially a copy pasted YT link without much added. I just don't understand how you rationalize buying votes on such minimalistic posting which really lowers the bar for quality.
It's not a good precedent to set and hope you really focus on unique value the posts bring to this chain before you just arbitrarily bot them.