The best way to achieve that
for the time beingis to let Steem continue thriving on its own.
Think that's what we all want but it would be helpful if he was less ambiguous in expressing that.
I've recently given Tron and it's documentation a review and it serves a completely different niche. Anybody that understands both at a technical level should see how Steem as we know it functioning as it does would not work the way Tron's token's are designed.
I've looked into dApp chain, side chain and the various flavors of token and unless Tron undergoes a serious overhaul... It is technically infeasible.
Steem is very complex system. How can you take a complex system and put it into something more simple. It' s like trying to port over an Nintendo 64 video game to the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). The entire premise is flawed.
Thus I have no confidence to build anything further on Steem unless we can have assurance that our chain won't removed or otherwise disrupted.
I'd be happy to work with Justin to make Steem better so we can both ROI but tbh he's really gone off on the wrong foot to that end. The ball is in his court now.
What assurance can he give developers to continue work on the Steem blockchain? Anything???
I understand the hesitation & totally agree that the livestream was useless in terms of clearing up confusion.
Technically speaking, a Steem-like clone could somewhat function under Tron, with a makeshift proof-of-brain smart contract, but it'd be much easier to allow Steem to dominate its specialty, while having Tron focus on its own.
lol, you speak my language
Somewhat key word. It would be some MacGuyvered shit from hell. It's a waste of time when you have a working product already.
You know it! 😉
So, for like what you described up there. It's like when they try to port a high end console game to a shitty handheld.
Cant think of an example off the top of my head but you know what I mean.
Doom to SNES?
My concern as well... If he already had the token swap ready (or even in works) then what we would have seen is a dumbed down version of Steem. What i think would have happened is that everything would simply revolve around Steemit and upvoting.
That's why it doesn't make sense for the "total & destructive" merger theory. It just wouldn't be good.
Convince him that... because he was ready to do it.
He was ready before having literally any engagement with the community. Like I said, I'm guessing the concept of a token swap was to hype up the Tron bois on his Twitter.
Then he met the Steem lads... and we bullied him out of it lol (┛ಠДಠ)┛彡┻━┻