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RE: Why do the experienced avoid Steem like the plague?

in #steem5 years ago

Ya know. One of the few benefits we have of not write erase + reloading this entire chain is because of the infrastructure of which one thing you mentioned (assuming

The other things like keychain, SteemConnect2 and I guess SE would make it difficult for us to cut over to a new chain. The "cool kids" chain.

I'v had it in mind to try and salvage what we got going though as it would be a bitch to lose all that shit I mentioned..

Not a showstopper entirely but take a lot of time to build comparable services to include front end interfaces. It can be done.

I'm planning something big with my content moderation stuff. Would like to give people the option to start fresh on a pristine chain or continue on the leaky bucket that is Steem.

SFR has been trying to patch the holes as we find them but our capabilities are limited and stakeholders with the power to do something meaningful are messin around w potatoes and burnposts as well as other things we should not be worrying about until we "clean house" so to speak.


We really need to get a handle on those rewards going to folks not increasing their stake.
If their accounts are not growing, despite being among the top earners, we need to stop sending them more, imo.