So this is the new propaganda to pacify those that put a lot of time and effort into creating good content only to be ignored/buried under feces? It sure seems like it's miles away from the talk early on about rewarding content fairly.
You know what's crazy? I don't play the lottery, or gamble, because it's a waste of my time and the main thing it does is make rich dickheads more rich. Most people realize this and only the ignorant and desperate don't. Have you ever stood in line at a convenience store while the toothless obese morons in front of you buy ticket after ticket, losing $30 to win $10 and calling it a victory? Pushing the, "Hey! It's a lottery!" approach, is going to bring in more ignorant and desperate, which is exactly what's happening here. Not my idea of good content or the crowd I'd like to be interacting with.
This is smelling more and more like another ponzi scheme as time goes on.
I really hope that someone takes the open source code and develops an altruistic, intelligent alternative to steemit. It could have been a great idea.
You're going to do very well here.