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RE: Are the people on Steem Fake nice?

in #steem7 years ago

I think it's great that steemit/dtube etc has the element of consequence, because it's a different approach to blogging/video making. It's a place where the people get to decide what to watch and what hits the main page.

However I do feel that fake niceness is a a problem with this community and feel it will only increase as more users join and understand how this place works.
The element of consequence here is a bit of a double edged sword, yes people are more likely to be nice and give you praise but it's often done in the hope of an exchange.
That goes for creators and commenters alike, (Not that I'm saying all are like this)
I don't know, maybe it's just personal preference but I prefer to hear what others really think about me and whatever I create rather than what they think I want to hear.
That doesn't really seem to happen so much on Steemit.
Sometimes when using these sites I feel like i'm in any place where I've held a job, where people are nice to your face, but would turn in a heartbeat behind closed doors

On other platforms that I've uploaded to over the years people are quick to tell you what they think. Yes, some of these users are trolls, but sometimes they raise valid points and while praise is great, criticism is vital for growth.

On those other platforms, the stuff that I upload tends to be ignored or criticised, people have no problem being honest, blunt and straight to the point.
Here I get praise, I'm yet to experience that honesty.

Don't get me wrong, I realise that sounds very pessimistic it just comes from personal experiences so far.
Otherwise this community seems pretty cool, I like it a lot and hope this place has a bright future ahead of it.