Life is too short to do all what one wants. Our hobbies, fun sports, jobs that make us happy start getting eliminated from or schedule. We wish to do many things part time but from where to get that part time.
At every stage in life we are overburdened with so many responsibilities we don’t even realize when the day gets over. The solution to this is quite simple. Wake up early. Don’t sleep more than 6 hours. At the same time don’t sleep less than 6 hours because one must be fit to lead. When we wake up early in the morning we add at least two hours to our day. It might be tough in the beginning but once we rise above the clouds, things are sure to seem simpler. We get used to it once we start utilizing those two hours to do jobs that we love doing which might be gardening, drawing, writing, reading, or anything.
Working in a scheduled manner always saves time otherwise it might happen that we are free but we don't know what to do or even if let suppose some odd day you get free at some time of the day now your ambition is to learn to play guitar now it is not possible to learn it in a day. But if you work scheduled then we can plan our routine in such a way that every day we have that spare l hour which we can devote to our instrument.
So Sleep less. Work scheduled. Add the 25th hour to your day and life would be longer.
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