[AUCTION] I'm selling my POCKET TOKENS!! Here is why

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

A few days ago, there was the official Genesis of the POCKET tokens.

Everyone that wants to opt-in to the Pocket protocol and claim their initial stake of 1,000,001 POCKET tokens, just need to resteem the Genesis post. https://steemit.com/pocket/@biophil/genesis-pocket

I did it!
And now, I want to sell my tokens!

Only time will tell (if someone decide to buy my 1,000,001 POCKET tokens) if I lost a great opportunity or, even if I manage to sell the tokens for very low, it was a great deal.

Why do I want to sell my POCKET tokens?

Here are a few of the reasons:

  • What is the value of a POCKET token? Even if one can argue that POCKET tokens will start to have a value once more people start using them, they will have a very hard to predict and floating value, and that will be having all the problems of other cryptocurrency: it will not be linked to the value of, for instance, the US dollar. One of the coolest thing about Steem, IMHO, is that, even though the value of 1 STEEM can change over time, there are SBD, that are always valued 1 SBD = 1 $.

  • SBD are "guaranteed" to have the same value of a dollar (ok, they can't be 100% guaranteed but it's closer, look at the Steem whitepaper to see why). What about POKET tokens?

  • Here on Steem, everything, from votes to rewards, are indicated in SBD. What will people think when they start to see yet another currency around? It seems to me that this will just add confusion.

  • smart contracts instead of having other witnesses/miners using a totally different tool.I believe that the idea of improving the steem protocol as expressed by @biophil in its article about subchain (https://steemit.com/steem/@biophil/mist-a-meta-model-for-steem-subchains) is good and will help develop new applications and new way of using the currency. But I think the best way to do it would be by creating some sort of contract (like Ethereum does) where one can perform operation with on the blockchain via

I'd like to start a productive discussion about this. Perhaps this idea could move towards the direction of smart contracts. This way, the network could be expanded in why not even imaginable!

Let me know!


Please comment with your offer! In 7 days, I will choose the "winner" that will be able to buy 1,000,001 POCKET tokens 1,000,000 POCKET tokens. You decide the price!

Edit: I actually have 1,000,000 POCKET tokens. I'm already loosing value Btw, you will receive that amount minus any transaction fee (I forgot, you don't have fees with STEEM and SBD)


I bid 12 SBD for your 1,000,000 pocket tokens.

I raise my bid to 15 SBD.

@ibringawareness outbid you with an offer of 22 SBD

I offer 10 SBD for your 1,000,000 POCKET tokens.

Aaaand there goes the market cap ;)

Sorry! Does market cap go down with an offer or an actual transaction? I believe it is only when a transaction occurs at a given price. Rookie trader here.

I'm just messing around. I think chasing market caps for highly illiquid assets is silly anyway.

And you're right - no trade yet, so no damage done. Whew!

If the market cap goes down that fast it has to go up that fast too. So I could offer $1 for one trillionth of a pocket token. That would make every pocket token worth 1 trillion dollars and we would be stinking rich!

It's not that simple.. You have to take into account the volume traded, if you are the only one buying at the price, you will not affect the market 😹

It would be interesting to see when lot of people start trading them!

Well. Yes. in reality I know there are all sorts of implications. However, since we have a super thinly traded commodity in a non existent market; there is no reason we can't have a little fun. Remember when the first pizza was sold for bitcoin? In seriousness; this is not all that different from the opposite Mark-to-Market rules that hit US banks at the height of the Sub-prime financial market. Not that different from Tulip mania.

Heh. You'd have to figure out a way to sell a trillionth of an indivisible token. That would be a trick!

Until we figure that out we can round up. So whatever fraction of a point is transferred we move one point.

I saw! I think it's the biggest sale of pocket tokens to date. Looks like everyone got what they wanted! Was the price somewhere in line with what you expected?

Well to be honest I don't know what I was expecting.. It was just a test. But I saw that in another auction out there the price for 100k tokens was 2$. So it seems I got a price of more than double that on my million tokens!

Yeah, the market isn't very efficient yet :)

Great! Hope you won't change your mind in 7 days!

Nope. My word is my bond.

Let the fun begin!@chefcryptoshark seems to have outbid you right now 😼

I'll sell you mine for 10 SBD

pocketsend:1@brains1ck, balance test

Successful Send of 1
Sending Account: chefcryptoshark
Receiving Account: brains1ck
New sending account balance: 1069883
New receiving account balance: 1000001
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 0096e8fb001d9d658a7a9eaaaf7625414bc51d66
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Successful Send of 1
Sending Account: chefcryptoshark
Receiving Account: brains1ck
New sending account balance: 1069883
New receiving account balance: 1000001
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 0096e8fb001d9d658a7a9eaaaf7625414bc51d66
I am the-tech-guy's POCKET bot. Currently running this code.

Successful Send of 1
Sending Account: chefcryptoshark
Receiving Account: brains1ck
New sending account balance: 1069883
New receiving account balance: 1000001
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 0096e8fb001d9d658a7a9eaaaf7625414bc51d66
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

1 SBD for 1,000,000 poket

I do not think POCKET will be a success. And I also think that the developers just created it as an experiment and I guess that they do not have a solid plan to make POCKET a success. But let's see what happens.

You want to sell them all!! Keep in mind that I made the first auction with Pocket tokens on steemit. I wanted to be part of it and making some history.. now you are offering 1000000 and my action is not that unique anymore... However I was the first..;-)

You also have more visibility with your post, it seems. Btw, I'm sure there is room for both of us 😼

I am bidding on both!

Pocket to the moon

How much did you get for them?

Auction is still going on. I hope to receive 1000 sbd for it😜

Auction is ended!

Let me know you thoughts about it 😼

And what about yours? Did you sell your 100k tokens?

No didn't sell it yet. waiting for the highest bidder to contact me

pocketsend:1@armandocat, checking your balance

Successful Send of 1
Sending Account: biophil
Receiving Account: armandocat
New sending account balance: 977660
New receiving account balance: 1000000
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: f7c4badb997f39f607d9d88309f5095cd02155b2
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Successful Send of 1
Sending Account: biophil
Receiving Account: armandocat
New sending account balance: 977660
New receiving account balance: 1000000
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: f7c4badb997f39f607d9d88309f5095cd02155b2
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

confirm. One token is basically dust, but it might be worth updating the quantity in the original post. :)Your post says 1,000,001 tokens, but @pocket-a tells us you only have 1,000,000. I suspect you spent one of the original tokens on your confirmation message when you typed


Cool. :) This is the largest lot of pocket anybody has offered to sell yet by a long shot; I'll be very curious to see how much you get.


A heartfelt "meep" and good day to you, sir/madam.

Well, it all depends on the visibility I manage to get ;)

Yeah... I'd love to help promote your sale, but I've got to be careful not to appear to be pumping POCKET, particularly not before genesis ends in a week and a half.

Don't worry.
Btw, I'm new to steem, and I'm starting to notice that what you are proposing is missing. But I believe the way you proposed is too overcomplicated.
What do you think about my points?

When I wrote the MIST post, it was to lay the groundwork for Pocket, which is to lay the groundwork for more interesting stuff in the future. By the definitions I gave in the MIST post, Pocket is itself a MIST. It's a set of rules (the pocket protocol) that define some function (claiming and sending tokens).

I'm starting to notice that what you are proposing is missing.

What did I propose? I'm not quite clear if you're talking about Pocket, the MIST thing, or something else. I didn't really propose much in the MIST post except a conceptual framework.

But I believe the way you proposed is too overcomplicated.

Maybe so. How would you improve it?

Pocket is very new! I would love to see it visible in a wallet!

Its up to the user to adapt it or not! And In my case, i will not sold it, who knows in a distant future,. But if you have much of it, why not sell then,

You are right, the users will choose if it will have success or not. But I'm betting the will not 😉

15 Steem, or $15 USD, whichever you prefer (via money order, I'll pay US postage as well).

15 steem are around 22 SBD at the time of writing. So your bid is the highest!

Doh! Then perhaps I "raised" a bit more than necessary to win, but 22 SBD is my actual bid then.

Offering 0.01 BTC (BTC/USD price fluctuation and 'economic' payment fee for other party).

As of today that would be little more than 40 BTC SBD. I guess we could check in 4 days when the auction ends and see if you are the highest bid 👌

Congratulations! You are the winner! 0.01 BTC, that is around 46$!

Once received I'll transfer the Pocket tokens (1 million) 😼Can we do the exchange? 😼You can do the transfer here on steem using https://blocktrades.us

just to confirm: Blocktrades gives the following data for a payment in Steem:

This is agreed?

Yes, that's perfect!

pocketsend:1000001@wekkel, auction winner!

Successful Send of 1000001
Sending Account: armandocat
Receiving Account: wekkel
New sending account balance: 95
New receiving account balance: 1995497
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 113d01c8781b3dd9c83f912a2f5623a76fa0595c
Thanks for using POCKET! I am small bot and right now I am running this code.

Successful Send of 1000001
Sending Account: armandocat
Receiving Account: wekkel
New sending account balance: 95
New receiving account balance: 1995497
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 113d01c8781b3dd9c83f912a2f5623a76fa0595c
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Thank you! The transaction went through without problems!
Now you have a lot of tokens to spend! Enjoy! 😼

pocketsend:100@armandocat, have some Pocket back 😄👍

Successful Send of 100
Sending Account: wekkel
Receiving Account: armandocat
New sending account balance: 1995397
New receiving account balance: 194
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 7479fdbda8370bf967ee83edba7d63d9ac601e0b
Thanks for using POCKET! I am small bot and right now I am running this code.

Successful Send of 100
Sending Account: wekkel
Receiving Account: armandocat
New sending account balance: 1995397
New receiving account balance: 194
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 7479fdbda8370bf967ee83edba7d63d9ac601e0b
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

pocketsend:1@armandocat, for an interesting experiment

Well, thank you, but somehow I didn't receive your token 😹

pocketsend:2@markhu, account verification

Successful Send of 2
Sending Account: steemmillionaire
Receiving Account: markhu
New sending account balance: 987601
New receiving account balance: 1
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: c70fa74c13e6224f6dea36d28d31d60e2e32f8ad
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Successful Send of 2
Sending Account: steemmillionaire
Receiving Account: markhu
New sending account balance: 987601
New receiving account balance: 1
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: c70fa74c13e6224f6dea36d28d31d60e2e32f8ad
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

pocketsend:1@armandocat, test

Successful Send of 1
Sending Account: armandocat
Receiving Account: armandocat
New sending account balance: 999999
New receiving account balance: 999999
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: d9449ed708e8f3d467f7594e18e7787b197abf1c
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Hi! Have a look here if you want to buy some more Pocket tokens! The auction is almost over!


Successful Send of 1
Sending Account: armandocat
Receiving Account: armandocat
New sending account balance: 999999
New receiving account balance: 999999
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: d9449ed708e8f3d467f7594e18e7787b197abf1c
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.