@eco-alex - you have my PERSONAL support - financial (haha when I get some) and from my heart. I LOVE your ideas of Gift Economy and am INSPIRED a-new about freedom, deselection and choice. I hope to grow old drinking tea with you in a valley here in Asia somewhere. Supporting this vision 100% and loving this vision of STEEM beyond actifit, beer tokens and people grabbing everything on the table at the expense of others.
@richardcrill - #freedom is alive and well!
Together We’re Making This World A Better Place.
Click Here To JoinLeading the curation trail for both @ecotrain & @eco-alex. the manually curated trail "@artemislives" to support quality eco-green content.

I look very forward to that cup of tea ! U rock!!
I make great tea and herbal things, you make great earthships. I see a different kind of marriage in my future. :) x