tell me more abt this. We are contemplating creating a better front-end website for Steem. @nateonsteemit @bigdeej
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tell me more abt this. We are contemplating creating a better front-end website for Steem. @nateonsteemit @bigdeej
Already working on it for 6 months now we are building ShadowBook ShadowChat and ShadowBot is already live! We are set for a March 1st Release of our beta =D We could always use more people involved!
cool, thx @bigdeej! Can I get a beta invite? I'd love to give some feedback. sux and we need something better.
Will do, we are still in development and are a small team still! We are slated to be in a public beta hopefully by March 1st if all goes well! We are on track currently and provided no big issues come up we should go into a beta March 1st. This all will be a single integrated service that will become part of @shadowbot. We will be announcing everything there.
** Disclosure: I am part of the @shadowbot team and head of development.
I'm not nearly useful enough to contribute to it in any meaningful way. Just spreading word and anticipating the beta myself. I'm really excited to see what comes of it, as @shadowbot has been such a valuable asset already.