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RE: The TAO of STEEM - Part 1: It´s all a beginning!

in #steem7 years ago

Thank you for your beautiful and in depth reflections!
Yes, "the beast" (or the shadow aspect as I prefer to call it) has a huge importance also on my path. I will write about this in future articles too. I also have some articles about it, that I wrote in German over the past years - so I just need to take the time to translate them into English.
I had an interesting encounter with our dark friend "envy" yesterday here on Steemit. I found a post in the "psychology" category here about Mindfulness. It was (for me) a very superficial article on a very (let´s try to say it nicely) "basic" level (I would call it "Kindergarden Level" ;))
I couldn´t believe, how many people upvoted and commented on the article, like it was the first time in their life that they heard about "mindfulness" and "meditation". Yes, it was my chance to have a look on my own (spiritual) arrogance and on the envy, that such a "superficial" article gets way more recognition than my "deep spiritual shit" articles. 😀


HaHa! thank you, you must be my mutual shadow here :-) You know, I had the same feelings about it and now that you are coming up with it, I think it is just another starting point. I've heard once the expression "to pick up people where they stand".

Not a long time ago I was standing exactly at that same spot on my journey. I dealt quite some time with the mindfulness business and for me, this was just another rung on the ladder of self-knowledge.

I suspected there was more to it and so I dug deeper into the earth to get higher up. I was amazed that the people who followed the idea of Minfullness had somehow come into contact with the Tao, but for many people the terms were too strange and unfamiliar to confront them.

You must first choose a more understandable translation. Some of them jump onto the train and ride along, others sit in the compartment and unconsciously take in the essence of the food served. Others jump off and get lost somewhere else.

I have decided to go along and see where it will take me. The journey remains exciting and to be inside it feels right. The great role models of human history have tried to express all this in different variations and will continue to do so. The Asian teachings are a rich resource and find their way to us here. It's a blessing that they exist.

P.S. are you German?

Yeah, it really is picking up where people stand. Since I´m into spirituality since I was just 15 years old, I somehow lost touch with where most people are as it seems. I´m from Austria. 😀Good that we found each other!