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RE: How to Launch a Steem Power Backed Smart Media Token!

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

What in the actual fuck is this load of bullshit? Have you not schemed and scammed enough from users? Now you want their actual STEEM in addition to delegation? Why? For witness voting?

You are a fucking piece of shit and it's a complete embarrassment that this post is currently sitting at over $1000 instead of being downvoted to $0 for providing nothing at all of value, except as a place for some of us to once again tell you that you're a waste of perfectly good oxygen.

The fact that you can continuously post this absolute dog shit and earn thousands of dollars per week is a testament to how worthless our whales and witnesses have become on this platform.

The fact that you can be anywhere near the top-20 as a witness is a testament to how worthless our whales and witnesses have become on this platform.

The fact that you're able to get any delegation or grants of STEEM/SBDs for the absolute bullshit that you try to sell here is a testament to how stupid and worthless much of the user base is.

What a fucking joke this place have your stupid face at the top of the trending page selling yet another scam disguised as "helping the community."

Idiots. All of you. Every single person who gives him even 0.001 STEEM or SBD. Every single person who leaves a comment that doesn't tell Jerry to go fuck himself. Every single person who doesn't downvote these posts of his.

Go ahead and keep telling yourself that STEEM will moon any day now, while you're completely oblivious to the fact that the rest of the crypto world thinks you're a bunch of fucking morons.

Well, sorry, but not sorry... they're right.

[EDIT] - Upvoted for mother fuckin' visibility because you dickless wonders around here need to read it. And because the ass-kissers shouldn't be the ones at the top of any thread.


The ultimate in Legendary Steemmonsters.


please @steemmonsters make 5 of these and give them out as ultra-rare legendaries to the winners of the first 5 tournaments.

Before you read, I'm giving away $80 here:

I'm attempting to create a protocol through which I both gain followers as well as help out followers who care enough to pay attention and read / watch / listen to my content. The whole process is going to be completely open and transparent. I want to earn money doing what I love. But I also want to make it so that it is easy for other people to do what they love so long as their content is at least pretty good.

This is my first video in a long series of videos where I will detail out my plan as well as give away a bunch of cash for people that are paying attention. If you are frustrated by what appears to be essentially a collective self voting bot where you don't really benefit, please check out my idea. If you think it's garbage, REPLY IN MY FEEDBACK VIDEO WITH YOUR CRITICAL FEEDBACK, we'll have everyone rank the ideas, and I'll respond and fix the idea to address the feedback.

One of the key problems with content nowadays is the 1-directionality. It just doesn't work. We almost are coming to a place of collective discussion, but with scams like JBC, that's never going to happen.

I apologize in advance for spamming this, but I'm so sick of huge content creators alleging to help the little guys while the platform still suffers. I don't think a coin is going to help anyone.

I think we need to develop new open source protocols that we can share and build upon together. Please head over to any of my channels and listen to these ideas. I think they're good enough that I'll literally pay you to listen.

Thanks in advance,


Far too much spam. Once was enough. I won't flag all of them.

Pro tip: If you want people to pay attention to you, don't be annoying. Think about life, you're on the street, there's a crowd of people. Are you going to say the same thing to each of them individually, or loud enough once so they all hear?

I'd say it once loud enough to hear.

Very much struggling with the platform when I first tried creating quality content and not spamming. Don't want to use vote bots. Don't want to have to join some rigid clan of upvoting.

Your analogy would be accurate if the curation on this platform worked, but as far as I can tell, it doesn't very well unless you have >$20,000 invested.

I'm going to begin posting content more regularly, and I'll also take responsibility for not being very persistent, but at a certain point in time, you have to realize that you've got to do what makes most sense for your time and for me - that wasn't participating in the platform because it just didn't work. Ironically, that's what @jerrybanfield is claiming he's attempting to fix...

I just had a look at your blog. It is 100% your fault you're struggling here. You produced about 20 posts, total? What were you expecting? I made about 18 cents from my first 20 posts. You earned more. That wasn't enough? How was it not working? There are youtubers out there who've been working for 5 years and haven't earned a penny.

I earned everything in my wallet, here, through posting and curating. I don't purchase votes, ever. I didn't join some sort of rigid clan. I just do my own thing, some people like it, some vote. This place works fine.

Spamming will just get you flagged. You're doing it wrong. Be social. Not anti-social. My analogy was wisdom, based on experience.

This place isn't perfect. Many people delegate away their SP and can't even vote for others. Then they write up posts, sit, wait, and can't seem to figure out why nobody is voting. Jerry won't fix a goddamn thing. He's part of the problem. He encouraged these people to delegate. They could sign up for this piece of shit plan, then sit there and wonder why they're only getting his one small vote he's offering, while nobody else is voting, because they delegated the goddamn SP to him. These folks promise these people they'll make money, but they don't. They'd make far more if they simply posted and voted for each other, slowly building up their SP, and eventually over time, like the rest of us, earning more and more, but they're just too goddamn gullible and would prefer shortcuts that don't work. Someone like me comes along to tell them the truth, and they don't listen. It's their fault, their decisions, not the platform's.

awesome reply... why don't you lead the charge? We will be behind you (I'd be beside you if I had been here longer).... Sadly we are lacking leaders to do something about exactly this. This is a perfect example of why the people in my class almost all laugh and mock the double standard. I have tried, they have tried, and without someone like you big enough to make a difference, I'm afraid our churn rate isn't going to rise any time soon.

I try. But not enough people are willing to listen.

I read it, replied to it... And will support you because you "get it". I know I am not the kind of support you need (ie small), but the good thing is even small guys get to use their lungs every so often!. Let me know if I can "rally the minnows"... we can virtually strike, sign petitions, work with other witnesses we have contact with to get some consensus... You'd be surprised at how motivated we could be if we found people that are focused on the real problems!

ps... I appreciate your point that you "try". Honestly I respect that you even do that! Thank you!

i am still waiting on information on how the smart media contracts work on the back end. I hae yet to see any code on the SMT project on github.

please direct me to where they have shown any progress on the implementation of SMT.

IVe been seeing mad "creators" claiming that they will create an SMT ON a SYSTEM that does not exist!

@jerrybanfield you are about as bad as Trevon James and his Trevon james coin.

I dont trust you or your endeavors and i dont see why anyone should.

SMT isn't even ready (and might take a while) and people are already trying to sell the bear's skin before killing it.

My thoughts exactly. Steemit has been disappointing as of lately


Fucking preach on. Hell yes

Well said.

Looks like a whole lot of bullshit to me from someone who's only known for one opportunistic scam after another. Just off the top of my head, @jerrybanfield you had the stolen Steemfest, the $50 accounts, the crap info videos and courses (all with incorrect information pulled out of some random cat's ass), your site which charges people to message you, and now this.

I hear there's something called EOS where block producers make millions. Go check it out Jerry, it'll need 100% of your attention.

Don't forget the "peer-to-peer exchange" that he promoted at one point and tried to scam everyone for donations to create it.

I'm sure there are a lot more that I missed, since I do my best to not look at this stupid fuck and his shit content.


Before you read, I'm giving away $80 here:

I'm attempting to create a protocol through which I both gain followers as well as help out followers who care enough to pay attention and read / watch / listen to my content. The whole process is going to be completely open and transparent. I want to earn money doing what I love. But I also want to make it so that it is easy for other people to do what they love so long as their content is at least pretty good.

This is my first video in a long series of videos where I will detail out my plan as well as give away a bunch of cash for people that are paying attention. If you are frustrated by what appears to be essentially a collective self voting bot where you don't really benefit, please check out my idea. If you think it's garbage, REPLY IN MY FEEDBACK VIDEO WITH YOUR CRITICAL FEEDBACK, we'll have everyone rank the ideas, and I'll respond and fix the idea to address the feedback.

One of the key problems with content nowadays is the 1-directionality. It just doesn't work. We almost are coming to a place of collective discussion, but with scams like JBC, that's never going to happen.

I apologize in advance for spamming this, but I'm so sick of huge content creators alleging to help the little guys while the platform still suffers. I don't think a coin is going to help anyone.

I think we need to develop new open source protocols that we can share and build upon together. Please head over to any of my channels and listen to these ideas. I think they're good enough that I'll literally pay you to listen.

Thanks in advance,


I don't understand any of this, but this guy should not be trusted on that creepy smile and the hat alone.