Have a good birthday dinner dude!
It is definitely troubling... but I personally feel that even if STINC drove the price to $0.00USD, this is still a trail-blazing platform that has a value of greater than 0. As a platform for building apps, there's not currently anything like it, as a platform for businesses to interact with potential customers, it's great. If STINC did drive the price to $0, that might actually be a good thing, because potentially true decentralization would rise from those ashes.
The problem I had with that whole conversation is that if all Steemians work really hard and bring the price up themselves, then STINC benefits... and while they've built us an amazing world-first platform, they've also been a bit arrogant and dodgy about it... so yeah, I'm in two minds... but don't let Steemit.com distract you from the amazing community here. I've honestly had an absolutely ball on this platform so far!