Or at least until they put you on autovote and forget about it.
I've been thinking a lot about this lately. Do I want to create the content that Steem currently values... or do I want to create the content that fulfills some other need of mine and not worry about rewards...
I haven't found the answer yet, I think, because I'm not exactly sure what projects I want to put my time towards just right at the moment...
Lots of people post blogs / updates on other platforms with the only reward being a like / heart and that’s ok but here they get disappointed if the don’t bank $100’s for a blurry pic of thier cat.
Haha, isn't my blurry cat pic grand?
So, that's not super true... the reward they get is the possible digital love from their friends and family, friends of friends, possible exes, etc.. so they get an emotional reward instead of a financial one.
Part of the problem on Steem is that people forget that ere, everyone is (mostly) a stranger and unless one goes out of the way to build relationships, they don't get built. Hard to engage consistently with people who are unknown. I am not talking of anonymity, there are plenty of people who are anonymous here that I trust. Once the relationships build, there is the emotional feedback also.
That's very true. However, if Steem becomes as mainstream as Facebook, Instagram, etc., then we may very well have friends and family groups upvoting each other consistantly, no matter what the quality.
That could be interesting to see how it plays out. Will the family and friends regulate each other when cousin Billy's constantly spamming? They might only vote anything decent they post or they could end up ignoring them. Or, they could get upset when the flaggers come in because they think it's spam or low quality.
It's sobering thought. A like on Facebook costs you nothing to humour that annoying friend who wants to post pictures of their lunch and tell you they went to the gym this morning. Here it costs VP, RCs and potentially your reputation. Could we even transition into being that kind of social media?
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If it does that, it won't be a bad thing at that point at all as there will likely be more spread anyway. The problem is when it is very narrow.
It is because of this that if/when Facebook etc go to paid models like steem, it is going to tear their current form apart. Will people still feel at home there?
I think it’s best to assume that many of those who have you on auto vote do check up on you at least occasionally. Maybe not all of them, but at least some will.
I guess it depends why they have people on autovote. If it's just to earn, then they won't necessarily check, unless they re-evaluate your earning potential. If it's because they like your work, then they're sure to be dropping in on you. I have to admit I have some on autovote because I like them as people, but don't always read what they post.
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I am glad that they do. Before I had any autovoters at all, I always took the approach that if I ever was put on, they could be near guaranteed that what their blind vote landed on was something they would be happy to support, even if they didn't agree with my position.
Wouldn't that be grand? :D I have never attracted much in auto due to my posting schedule. What this has meant though is that those that follow and vote on me generally read what I write which I prefer.
I enjoy writing, I write a diverse array of material and would like to expand it further and perhaps do some vlogs and the like but don't have time. In the long run, I want some of my material here to hold value, no matter when someone finds it or, of someone finds it. I like the Steem content at the moment because I enjoy the environment immensely (if you haven't noticed), like learning as I go and it ties in well with my real world skills, interests and business activities.
I wish I was a dev or, I wish I had a team of devs at my disposal. So many things I would want to get my hands dirty with. Just explore, experiment and find your place doing what takes interest and - pull the thread.
A team of devs at my disposal would be just incredible! I have some many ideas... but my coding efforts are super slow and arduous because it's only a means to an end. I think the really good coders are good because they love the process.
This is the same with anyone who really is good at what they do and the goal for anyone who has expectations on result. Process, process, process.
I have you on autovote. I know I'll enjoy your work, but don't always catch it straight away, so I'd hate to miss upvoting a really good post. I don't read all of your posts, however, because you post way to often for me to keep up! 😆
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I know I post too much but I think some people who are interested in some parts read those, others might be interested in other content and read that. I just like writing :)