" Steem also allows voting bots to control the rewards pool"
I don't think that's true, it's more like an unintended consequence as the devs behind Steem did not (or perhaps they did?) anticipate the behavior from allowing linear reward curve.. Bidbots are an eventuality since voting power has sadly been commoditized. My only hope is that they get nerfed either by setting up a cartel by themselves or perhaps alter the reward curve. That is for another discussion though.
Thanks for introducing U.Network to me!
Unfortunately U.network does not have any working product yet that i can try on (maybe there is and I wasn't aware of it?). So I have nothing to judge with. I'd love to try out U.network when it is launched though. It never hurts to be on multiple platforms and it's high for a STEEM competition to come up.
That makes the blockchain a closed system. No longer permisionless. Some people see the appeal of it but it's definitely not the reason why steem was created.