I personally think its more important to have a system in place that encourages users with more original content. Its cool that you can make a few bucks with your posts, but more important to get genuine interaction between people. Viral Organic growth will occur once the focus is more on viral content than a viral currency. I compare steemits trending content with that of traditional social media trending content and I am often perplexed.
The content will get better as the platform and community matures, it will ebbs and flow.
We can't at this stage compare a site with a couple of thousand users with one with millions. It's still quite niche and the social networks are immature.
Users would be nice... but this is crypto-land and I am beginning to reconsider just how important massive or rapid user growth is at this stage.
I personally think its more important to have a system in place that encourages users with more original content. Its cool that you can make a few bucks with your posts, but more important to get genuine interaction between people. Viral Organic growth will occur once the focus is more on viral content than a viral currency. I compare steemits trending content with that of traditional social media trending content and I am often perplexed.
The content will get better as the platform and community matures, it will ebbs and flow.
We can't at this stage compare a site with a couple of thousand users with one with millions. It's still quite niche and the social networks are immature.