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RE: Downvote Pool Deep Dive

in #steem5 years ago

The hardfork stopped the curve distribution which was supposed to "fix" distribution. This is why convergent is brought up, because it didn't fix it.

I won't argue with you about the control over development but at the same time they aren't in "control" of the blockchain. Open source and the incredible development that is taking place on top of it also and the efforts that happen from the stakeholders (like the unprecedented whale experiment) demonstrates that.

Everyone who is ready to vilify the whales, or to suggest that people are totally the worst, giving them any kind of power they will abuse it, the majority, that's is nonsense and counter intuitive to what people really are like. Like I pointed out, ain't no police force that can stop a lynch mob, and you better believe that the police are people too, who all too often abuse their power, IMO much much more than they use it carefully or reserved (or in their capacity) and if you read the Declaration of Independence you'd no doubt have to contend with what it says about people tolerating the intolerable, people are generally good, and forgive grave injustices and help and engage in self sacrifice, and yes, the whales are generally wise enough to recognize what is helping the platform and themselves in turn and what isn't. Yet that isn't dramatic, that isn't exciting, that's not controversial, it's rather dull and unsophisticated. Well suck mah balls either way, what you believe ain't my concern in the faking slightest.

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