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RE: Is Steemit A Rigged System Ready to Fall? Why Should a Person Have More Votes Than You? Or Downvote?

in #steem8 years ago

You can keep lying cunt.

But as of now we can just agree to disagree that I will forever call you a cunt wherever I see you, pointing out why and how I came to know you exclusively as a cunt.

Sort: bad you are hiding as a screen name and far away...I would love to have my friends in law enforcement speak to you....and you probably already have a criminal record as well....but I do understand how cowards like yourself want to feel good about being a bully and playing you little move on little man and go play in your sand box....Im done with all you want...everyone sees who you really are....just some coward punk who just behind a keyboard....shame on you treating us war veterans like you do....just move on...

LOL...we people in the community do not really think about cowards like yourself who play these hate games and stalking...move on little man...move on...yawn....c ya