Yes he can, because obviously his stake in proportion to everyone else has remained unchanged. You act as if somehow splitting a hypothetical 120mv into 30 votes, 300 votes or 3 votes will change the influence of the 120mv when they can split it off into 10 accounts casting 3 votes each, still totaling the same exact amount of influence in the exact same proportion to the hypothesized orcas and dolphins that will all of a sudden, for no other reason than changing the amount of votes, will have more influence than before? Check your math. Slicing the pie into 30 pieces does not mean the pie is bigger then slicing it into 10 pieces.
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What I am talking about is that each piece of this pie is now smaller. This means that other people can more easily give bigger slices to other users to overrule his "now smaller slices".
So either, he has to give multiple slices to a user to match it (which then would negate the effect of splitting up the stake)