And I will gladly tell them to fuck off again and again, but you probably think that I should appease some dipshit idiot that invested with hopes of extracting wealth one self vote at a time instead of confronting their short sighted idiocy head on.
O yeah, what does it matter anyway, you think my wallet is indicative of how much I have invested here.
I may not be heavily invested but I'm certainly not chasing away stakeholders with negative voting. Don't worry, you'll figure it out when Steem drops below a penny, that communism/socialism fails yet again. It's never going to work dude; never. gonna. happen. What it matters is, it doesn't matter how many people you shoo away from the platform or scare to the market, you're not going to take a substantial hit.
Reward redistribution is socialism.
There's that fag talk again scro, you seem to have an oral
fixation with the use of the word. You wanna talk about it?
I don't want to psychoanalyze you man, but thanks for the offer. ; -)