I agree that there's something wrong with the upvote system. I would rather see a button that allows you to 'like' or 'appreciate' a post or comment, then a separate button that allows a reader to TIP the content creator. The tip function could be active forever, or at least for a longer time period than 7 days.
I'm no programmer, but maybe something could be put into place so that bots could not activate the tip button. An actual person would have to tip, and hopefully that person actually looked at the post.
And does the system need to be set up that whoever has more money in their wallet has a higher-valued vote? Why can't the value of the vote be pegged to a metric of the # of posts + # of comments + # of replies + # of 'appreciates' and tips someone gives? All of these together would show engagement with the platform, and a human interacting with the other posters.
I think this is a good solution for creating true value around true human engagement. I would also like to see a chat platform integrated so individuals or groups can have discussions on the side with tip capability included.
I would like to see a chat function integrated on Steemit too. I don't like that one has to leave the platform, go to Discord, figure out the Steemian's username there, and then set up a chat. Let's make it easier to interact with each other!
As I was bumbling around during my first couple of weeks, I needed to ask questions and get some guidance, but couldn't figure out how to message someone. Eventually I realized that Discord is a thing, but those first days without the possibility of getting one-on-one guidance were tough.
That is a brilliant idea! Tips! What a great way to encourage good posts and discourage poor quality posts. Thank you for sharing that.
I like what you're saying. The idea of a one-week limit on upvotes can be stifling to more creativity and can silence those who really like a post. I'd like to see it extended, but I'm thinking there is a reason it was built into the platform and why it stays there. It would be good to hear the point of view of Witnesses and some of the dev team.
Great comments and thank you for stoping by @bananamemos
I also would like to know why there's the 7-day limit for payout on posts. There might be a good reason. But having a tip button would sure be handy for when we come upon a very helpful how-to post, for example, even if it's a year later, we can show our appreciation.
Thanks, @terrybrock. :-)
That's more or less what I was thinking; like a system where each day the total number of views, likes, resteem, etc, would factor into how the steem gets distributed... Could still keep a weighting for the amount of sp a person has, while limiting motivation for bots.
I know a bit of programming, enough to explain the logic, but not good enough to implement it myself.
If we take everything you know about programming, @bmanmcfly, and add all my knowledge about programming, we'd still have something equal to only your knowledge about programming 'cause I don't know any of it. :-) What I do know is how it feels to be a participant on the platform and see ways in which it could be tweaked, without having those tweaking skills.
But that's the value of Community. Someone is probably already working on good solutions.