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RE: IBM Is Giving Their eBook "Blockchain For Dummies," Away For Free. Great For Newcomers! Share The Knowledge!

in #steem8 years ago

Tweeted for you too man - I tweet a lot of Steemit stuff trying to drive people here - the guy running the official Steemit twitter page decided he did not like me month ago so stopped sharing my tweets LOL le sigh for dissenting opinions of those at the top.




BarryDutton Barry Dutton tweeted @ 30 May 2017 - 00:54 UTC

#IBM giving away hard copies of this book + #Free download - see this post -- #Blockchain for Dummies 😀…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

That rules, thanks so much man! The more hands we get it into, the more we've helped the world/society. Pretty cool.

Least I can do to help a community minded brother out like you.

You have been really good for Steemit man.

Doing my best!

Me and @robrigo should have a witness node up soon. Gonna shoot for witness-hood sometime soon :-D.